Two Of Chapter

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A/N: Yeah.. Okay.. so.. This chapter is currently on my Ipod, but seeing as my Ipod is fully dead, and the charger is completely wanked... Er.. I won't be getting to ANY of my stories for a while... so.. I'm just going to start all over here! Cause,  I know there are some people waiting for the next chapter, and I don't want to leave you guys hanging for too long.. 

Yeah, I have a feeling this chapter shall be kind of short, I'm sorry.. best I can do under the current circumstances! 

Another thing before I begin, I would like to point out that @Every1direction's first chapter to her simply AMAZAYN (FABULOUIS, PHENOMENIALL, BRILLIAM, EXTRAORDINHARRY, PAULTASTIC, SUPERMEGAFOXYAWESOMEHOT, etc.) new story, Stand Up For Me, is now out! Yes! So, if you have yet to check that out, PLEASE go do so now! ;D Le link:

Now that I have that to say... er.. I hope you.. like this chapter? or.. yeah? maybe? I suppose? Okay.. okay.. ... ... .. :D?


| Two of Chapter |

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" said Niall, watching the trees zoom by out of the car window with a apprehensive look.

Zayn shook his head and sighed, turning the steering wheel slightly as he made a left. What did he have to do to get through to this boy? "Niall, I already told you over a hundred times! It's perfectly alright that you're spending the break with my family and me!"

"But.. but what if they don't-"

"I already asked," stated Zayn at once. He frowned at the younger lad, who had just let out a small sigh, and made a right. 

The two stayed silent for a few more minutes, just absorbing each other's company. Niall was very thankful of his friend. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have anywhere to go this break, but that didn't stop him from feeling horrible about barging in on his family time. Zayn, on the other hand, was getting restless. He had tried for many hours to convince Niall that it was fine and that he wasn't ruining any family time he could spend with his parents and siblings. Niall just wouldn't budge.

The blazing red of the streetlight in front of them shone brightly through the car window. The sun was now fading slightly in the distance as it made it's way over the horizon. Zayn let out a small whistle to fill the silence.


Niall let out a small 'hmm' noise and rested his head on the car door. Zayn reached over and flicked  his arm slightly, causing a groan to arise quickly.

"Zayn.." whined Niall, waving his hand in the direction of his friend. He puffed out his lip in a pout and rested his head back on the door handle. After a few moments, he rose his head up once more and leaned against the seat, switching positions every second. 

Zayn glanced at his friend from the corner of his eye as he stepped on the gas pedel; the light had just changed green. "Uncomfortable, Nialler?"

Niall shook his head and shrugged. "Just thinking..."



"Obviously if you just reply to my 'about' with 'things', you're going to cause me to come back with 'what kind of things'. Come on, man. You've got to give me more then that!" said Zayn, shaking his head with a laugh.

Niall chuckled and shrugged. "I dunno..." he frowned and looked over at his friend. "I'm still not sure if this is the best idea."

Zayn held up his hand to silence his friend and sighed. "Niall, I already told you that-"

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