Three Of Chapter

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A/N: Okay hello! I'm pretty sure no one read that author's note.. Which really fucking sucks.. But anyways.. So I'm posting this third chapter.. Then I'm going on hiatus until further notice...

This is for all my stories. I'm going to update a few more fics, then I'm going on break. Only about 10% of this is because of Writer's Block.. The rest is because school...

If any of you would have read my author's note.. You'd already know this.. Sigh...

Okay. Not gonna talk anymore.. Let's just begin the chapter! Woo!

Enjoy! Or don't! Or I don't know!


| Three of Chapter | 

Present Day

Zayn sat in the waiting room, his face buried in his hands. He was exhausted. Only the distant ticking of the hospital clock led him to believe he wasn't sleeping. He let out a few shaky breaths before lifting his head up.

He looked around the room, his eyes falling on the three other boys huddled together, their eyes sealed shut and mouths hanging open slightly, releasing inaudible snores. He couldn't understand how any of them could possibly be asleep.

Niall is in the hospital. He might possibly be dying... Hell, he might even be dead! But did they know? Of course they didn't... The damn staff wouldn't let any of them near the operating room. Understandable, Zayn admits, seeing as he just about tore the waiting room apart on his first attempt to get in to see Niall.

He just couldn't understand how any of them could sleep knowing that one of their best mates might be... He shook his head, trying to rid the thought.

Sure, it's was nearly one in the morning... And yeah, they went through a lot today... But that didn't give them any right to just.. SLEEP.

Zayn was being unfair, he knew that. The others were going through just as much of a rough time as he was. They all saw the same thing happen. They were all there.

But did they have to look down upon Niall's pale face, watching him as he withered in pain? Did they have to try and stop him from loosing more blood then he already had, hearing his whimpers and choked breaths? Did they have to hear him practically say that he was giving up on life?

No... They didn't. He did. 

Zayn had to go through all of those things. He was sure the whole ordeal was affecting him more then the others.. But he didn't know why. 

Maybe it was because of what happened on break. When he had asked Niall to join him and his family, he didn't expect over HALF the things that went on to happen...

Especially... The 'Incident'.

He winced. Zayn promised himself he wouldn't think about that night. They were both drunk, they had no control over anything that happened. Niall even agreed that it was nothing. That it MEANT nothing.

But after that night... He had to admit that his feelings for the Irish lad had changed in some way. Zayn wasn't so sure what or how... But he couldn't help but feel that without Niall in his life, he'd be nothing.

Zayn just wouldn't be able to live without him.

He now understood just how scary that was. To literally have your life in the hands of someone else. It's terrifying, knowing that you're practically giving your heart away on a silver platter.

Wait. What? 

No he didn't mean that. Did he? OF COURSE NOT. He's not giving his HEART away.. That's crazy talk. Zayn loves Niall, that's true... But he loves him only as a brother. As a best friend should. Completely platonic. Nothing more, nothing less.

Though the fact that he now felt incredibly guilty for thinking this seemed to have told him otherwise.  But he doesn't. Right? He doesn't think of Niall in that way. He's not gay. He doesn't like guys that way. He never has, and he never will. 

The guilty feeling came rushing back.

Does he? Or is it just the fact that he's thinking all these things normally... like.. like Niall's not in the position he's in now. Like he's not in the hospital... practically lying on his death bed.

Death bed.

Zayn wearily plopped his face back into in hands. Niall... Is on his death bed. No. Stop thinking like that. You're practically saying you're giving up all hope! Niall's not dead. He's not going to die.

Oh.. Who was he kidding. He knew it, and Niall knew it too. Niall knew he wasn't going to make it out of this mess alive.

Zayn let the thoughts whirl through his head, different scenarios rising and drifting away all at once. He suddenly felt weak.. Far too weak. This was his fault.

He should have been closer to Niall. He should have been there quicker to help. He shouldn't have stood there shocked... Even if it was only for a few moments. He... 

He should have been the one who was on the other end of that bullet.

Come on, Zayn. No one knew this was going to happen. No one could have possibly thought that someone was going to try and open fire on you guys...

But the fact that was practically eating him alive at this very moment drifted back and slapped him across the face. The horror settled in shortly after.

He did.

Zayn knew.


Annnd... Cliff hanger to get all yall's panties in a bunch! *cough* Filler, sorry 

And If any of you BOTHERED TO READ THE AUTHORS NOTE.. Thank you to that person who did, and everyone else that did as well... I will NOT be updating for a while..

Due to school, scheduling, and needing to create time slots for everything... I need to get all this shit planned out.

But don't worry, even though I won't be updating, I'll still be WRITING everyday.

So again, I leave you with this horribly shitty filler and cliff hanger... For the next MONTH or so.. With no updates... Yup.. a month with just about no updates...

I will, however, be updating a few other stories within the next week or so.... then my hiatus on all fics will be beginning! 





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