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Spring passed quickly with Lily's new freedom regained. She travelled to London a lot, her name now gaining its own weight. She slumped down into a chair for another family meeting on a soft June evening. The family was gathered around, a new face among the familiar ones.

The lady was blonde, with a kind face and a cross around her neck. Arthur stood by her side, he had been calming down. She had been helping him gain himself back from what France had made of him. He was less of a drunk, and attended church on Sundays with Polly. He still fought, but not like the animal that he used to be.

Arthur stood at the head of the table. "This, as you all know, is Linda." He stopped for a moment, breathing heavily before cracking a grin, ear to ear. "We're getting married."

The table erupted into cheers. Polly gave a warm hug to Linda, John clapped Arthur on the back, grinning with his cigar hanging between his lips. In turn, each person congratulated the couple. Lily congratulated the couple quietly before retreating to the back of the room, besides Polly.

"Yeah, yeah." Arthur smiled, softly almost. He looked around everyone once they all had a drink. "It's next Sunday. You're all invited." And the celebration continued. It continued in drinks. In to laughter. In to stories of Arthur as a child. Of all of them as children. Polly shed a few tears while hugging Linda close. Even Ada had shown up.

The week passed quickly. Everyone, in turn, acquired new outfits for the wedding. And once Sunday was on the doorstep, Lily looked at herself in the mirror. Her pale gold dress hung from her shoulders. Polly stood behind her, sorting her hair out. The two ladies were glad Arthur had finally found himself a good lady. A good woman to help out a good man. They admired each others beauty, and how they had both grown for a moment before Michael cleared his throat to announce his presence.

Michael stood in the dining room, suit and tie, ready as they were. The three took the car, and rode to the church. The families combined filled out the main hall, Tommy and John stood at the altar next to Arthur, as his best men. The Grey family shuffled into a row besides Grace, Ada and Esme. Baby Charlie slept peacefully in the pram besides little Karl for the duration of the service.

And eventually, they all retired to Tommy's house for late night celebrations. Lily sat next to Michael at the dinner table as Tommy gave a speech in honour of Arthur.

"Arthur, he's a good man. He was a good man before France. And now, he has Linda. A good woman. Arthur deserves a good woman. To the happy couple." Lily clapped her hands, watching the two kiss. She turned to say something, but remembered it was Michael she was sat next to. Lily bit her tongue as the food was served.

"Why don't you like me?" A couple of hours had passed, and the celebrations were still going strong. Michael stood besides Lily in the back of the room, two whiskies in his hands. He passed one to her, half expecting her to not answer.

Lily scoffed. She looked at him. A bare nine months ago nobody knew he was even still in England. Or even still alive. Yet here he was, hair tamed, clothes tailored, and an emotionless face to match that of Tommy's sometimes.

"You waltz into my family, and push me out. You undermined me when it comes to my position in this business. You work on the legal side of the business. You have no right to ask me why." Lily scoffed again, her unknown freedom of words was due to the alcohol coursing through her veins. "You're a bastard."

Michael watched her. He had not expected such truth. His mouth formed an O! But it wasn't spoken. Neither spoke for a little bit. "I don't mean to push you out."

"I know." Lily finished her drink. She watched the crowd for a moment, spotting Arthur and Linda share a slow dance. She was tired of the family. "Dance with me?"

Michael put his glass down, and took her hand. If there was a time to figure out how a woman works, now was not it. There was a slow song playing, and his left hand rested on her waist, while her left hand held his, and her right hand soft on his shoulder. The pair spoke while they danced.

"What did you do before?" Lily asked, Michael frowned at her.

"Before what?"

"Don't be brainless. Before here. Before you came to Birmingham."

"I rode horses. I went to school. I was called Henry and was told my mother was a whore who didn't want me." Lily stared at him. She didn't know anything about him. And he knew nothing about her. Nobody had an easy life. Only some were able to make it look nicer.

"I can't imagine you riding a horse." They spun softly, closely avoiding John and Esme. Michael dipped her and brought her back up, the music changing into an even softer tempo. Their movements slowed. "An educated man, eh?" He nodded, taking care to not step on her toes.

"They're strong animals, trustworthy. What about you? Your art. What got you into it?" He watched her, the fire reflecting in his eyes.

Lily smiled to herself as they carried on circling the room. "Arthur used to draw horses. He showed me how once I was taken in. I picked it up. Carried on with it."

"What about when the war happened, did you stay here?" Michael asked, his eyebrow raised slightly.

"When the boys were in France, I helped Polly run the business. I was young, but so was everyone. There's no innocence in war." Michael and Lily stopped dancing. "What about you?"

His features softened. His grip still strong. "I worked, in the mines mostly. At some point my moth - the woman who took care me - said I might go to the countryside. Her husband, he was injured from work before the war even started. He got me a new job in the fields. That's where I stayed until it had finished."

Lily dropped her hands, swaying on her feet. She didn't know what to say except "I didn't know."

"Funny what you find out when you take the time to listen." Michael grinned.

"I'm going for a walk." Lily looked away from him and began to leave the hall. Michael nodded, and fell in step with her as she left the house. He had no intentions of letting this friendship fail just as they were both on the doorsteps.

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