Chapter Three

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*reads message* Oi! Teme! Three years, huh? I bet she still hasn't kiss you yet! Hehe, anyways. Wanna go eat ramen tomorrow? Make sure to bring Sakura-chan! Hinata, Ino, and Sai will come!

Ugh, good timing dobe. But I'm not sure. Because I already told Sakura's parents that we will have a little dinner with them and... I'm nervous because I don't know how the hell should I tell them about us!

*replies to Naruto* Oh! Great timing dobe, go celebrate while I die in nervousness because we will have dinner with Sakura's parents! Why not reschedule this little celebration the day after tomorrow?!

I guess that should do it. *beep* Hope he doesn't ask questions. *sighs*

*reads message* Oi, teme! Don't tell me you're gonna propose to Sakura without having your first kiss yet?! Hehe, but seriously.. You gonna propose to her?!

*sighs and replies* Shut up, dobe! None of your bussiness. At least I'm not a coward to ask out a girl, right Hinata? Ahaha.

*beep* Whoa, that was fast. *chuckles and reads the message*

Hey! I'll show you! Me and Hinata will be dating before you know it! Anyways, gotta go! And yeah, let's just eat ramen the day after tomorrow. 6pm okay?

*replies* Yeah, sure dobe. Good luck.

Nice work Naruto, that's a good way to celebrate *smiles* I should better log out now... *looks at time* 4pm, huh? Well better go talk to Itachi first. *goes upstairs*

Hey Itachi! *knocks but doesn't get an answer* So you wanna play it this way? *bangs open the door* What the?!

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