Block C (Interpretations )

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      Symbolize various things; sexual or extreme emotions, passion ,need for transformation, need to get rid of things that make you a worse person or even an actual fever, hate, anger.


         Indicates a need for freedom or search for love, fortune or a place in life and generally symbolizes your strong mind and will. If you feel fear when you are flying it suggest that you are afraid of challenges and success.


      Represent conscious knowlegde or the lack of it. Cutting hair may symbolize loss of power and self-esteem or even fear of getting old.


      Seeing a house demolished indicates grief over a sudden loss. A new house represents financial security whiel tha old house is a sign of a reunion or renewal of an old association


      Was kissing pleasant? This predicts happiness and contentment. Was it something meaningless? It indicates disappointment in a love affair or untrustworthy friends. If you dream watching people kiss it may indicate feeling lonely or unhappy in your own relationship.

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