Block D ( Interpretations )

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      Represent repressed anger. It may also indicate jealousy or  severe emotional stress during which you must make a huge effort to control your temper.


     Symbolize being caugth off guard and unprepared for a challenge. It might also symbolize childhood innocence, freedom or a desire for sex or recognition.


    Indicate need to escape from a situation. If you are being chased pay attention, the pursuer might be a part of your self that you avoid seeing. A dream of being unable to run indicates a lack of self confidence.


    Sex in dreams depends on emotion you get. If the feelings are plesant it is very normal, however if the dream was disturbing you need to explore its meaning. A feeling of dissatisfaction might indicate that your love relationship need to be renewed. If you dream of being raped it is symbolizing a betrayal of the most powerful kind.


      Can symbolize temptation or even betrayal. A snake biting you indicate the betrayal of a friend or an enemy.


    Represents the unconscious self. Calm water is usually a sign of fortune, rough waters alert you to reconsider your actions. If you see your reflection in water your subconscious may be trying to draw your attention to an aspect of yourself. Waterfalls indicate energizing, healthy release of emotions and healing

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