Chapter 1 - For my country

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"Freya Wright?"

"There!" I replied.

My instructor was calling the names of the new WAAF recruits of which I was. I had just arrived at the Duxford air base that morning, after I had left my native London to do what I thought was my duty. My country was at war to free Europe from Hitler's barbarism, and I did not want to stay helpless. I was determined to participate in the war effort, follow into my father's footsteps, so when I had seen those posters plastered everywhere in the streets, I had not hesitated. Not even for a second. Women also had a role to play, women like me, desperate to be of some use instead of staying at home. I wanted to do something and not be a mere spectator of the history unfolding before my eyes, but even if that decision came as an evidence, it proved very difficult to let my father all alone in the capital. Luckily, Duxford was not that far from London, and I would be able to return home to meet him during my leave.

"Follow me ladies, I will lead you to your dormitories," our instructor informed us, bringing me back to my new reality.

We all went behind her in the cold corridors of the buildings that formed the air base, passing men and women in uniforms, of all ages and professions. None paid attention to us as they were now used to seeing new faces every week. Intrigued by my new surroundings, I tried to note in my head everything I was observing, building a mental map of the site in order to find my way through this maze when nobody would lead me. A few minutes later, I discovered what would be my bedroom for an indefinite period, or should I say our room for I would have to share it with other girls. The place was plain, with white walls and a single window placed so high we could not see something other than the sky. I did not think too much about it, I knew I would not spend much time in there anyway. The furniture was also rudimentary. There were four elementary beds and two wardrobes, and each bed had a chair on its right, for whatever purpose. Too absorbed in my thoughts, I did not get to choose where I would settle, and I started unpacking my belongings on the last bed available. I collected my clothes and put them in one of the wardrobes that I had to share with one of my roommates.

I was finding a place for my precious books when a voice interrupted me: "Hi, I'm Eden! And you are?"

A beautiful blonde had just sat next to me and was smiling in my direction. She immediately appeared as a sweet girl.

"I'm Freya," I said, smiling back.

"Where are you from?" she asked?

"London, and you?"                  

"I'm from a small village, not that far from here. Boring, I know," she made a funny face. "Anyway, I'm so excited to be here! I'll finally be useful! In my village, we feel very far from what's happening but we know the war is there. I felt helpless. My neighbour left for the front several weeks ago and I had to stay there, doing nothing. And then I saw a poster about the army needing women and I told myself, 'Go Eden, nothing keeps you from doing it'. So, I volunteered."

I laughed lightly when she finally stopped talking, impressed by her delivery, and also because her story sounded a lot like mine.

"I also decided to volunteer because of that," I shared my surprise with her. "My fiancé doesn't understand my choice but I had to do something for my country."

"Aw, you have a fiancé?" she asked enthusiastically. "What's his name?"

"Lewis," I said as I blushed.

"And he hasn't been enlisted?"

"No, he has been exempted because of his heart."

"Oh... At least, you're lucky to have him with you. It's a good thing. I have seen so many girls with their heart broken when hearing that their fiancé was killed. I hope I will never feel such pain. Well, I'm single for now so it will probably never happen," she joked.

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