Chapter 2- Welcome to the world of Naruto, me

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Mayu's POV

'Ugh, slimy . Wtf is this?' I thought and tried to look at my hand'.... AHHHHHHH!!!! I'M BLIND!!!!! CAN'T SEEE!!!!!!!!' 

'Calm down me.... now, where the heck am I?!?!?!?!' I thought. Where ever I am in, its warm but slimy. 

I tried moving my hands... Tiny? Baby fat?!?!?!? WTF!!!!.... Maybe just like some fanfics, I am in a womb... But whose?

I thought for awhile... Man, is this the after life or what? This sucks. I thought I would see clouds everywhere with a huge golden gates and 2 police officers stating whether you go to heaven or hell.


It was just getting weird

I am stuck in this slimy yet warm place... I tried to open my eyes again.. Blink, Blink, Blink

OMFG!!!! WTH IS THAT!!!!?!?!?!??!

OUCH!!! I feel some pain, like something is squeezing me.... Thank god that thing went away.......


"PUSHHH!!!! The other one is coming!!" I heard a voice

'Wait, push?! Another?!?! I was in a freakin womb. WOW!!! But.... whose?' I thought

As I went outside the womb, I closed my eyes just in case if they would get supicious

I opened my eyes again and saw myself being carried by someone..... Who da hell is this?!?!?!

Wait.... The eyes of a HYUUGA!?!?!?!?! WHO THE?! WHICH HYUUGA FAMILY AM I IN!?!?!?!

Who's that?!?! Wait... 'My new mother, great.' I thought 

I looked around to see who is my now father and saw... HIASHI!?!?! WTF!?!?! I was placed in the hands of my new mother then another baby was placed on her arms

"Hizashi, look at our new children. What do you want to call these twins?" My new mother said

"The boy will be Neji" He said... Wait, Hizashi?!!?! Neji?!?! So to say, My dad is Hizashi and my new brother that I thought was a creeper who I thought in the womb is NEJI!!!?!?!

"And the girl will be Nezi" He said qne she nodded weakly, smiling then closed her eyes. Exhaustion? Oh well, But I can't see my friend Naida anymore.

She is energetic and kind like Lee, If she got in the same situation as me, UGHH, the horror. 3 similar bushybrows wearing green spandex.

I look at Hizashi and saw his sad face and looked towards my 'mother'.... She's dead? First I witnessed my own death, then I witness another person's death.

I always have a good memory to every bad tk be me

'Welcome to the world of Naruto, me' I thought at the same time Hizashi picked Neji and I in his arm, cradled us and said "Welcome to the world, Neji, Nezi" He said

Died then turned into Neji's Twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now