Chapter 7- The inevitable deaths of the idiots as revenge part 1

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Nezi's POV

I am now aged 12 and I had recently took interest in Fuinjutsus. I try to look for a removal for the Caged bird and have been training to get the revenge for those stupid Hyūga elder. Tch, 'You have to listen to my BULLSHIT!!' I thought, mocking them in my mind as I walked through the hallways at the night, trying to get my revenge. The elders were too weak, they weaken theirselves because they were too arrogant. I still remember after I fainted and I saw my father.


I woke up in the bed, startled and I looked around the room. I was in panic. It turns out that if I am younger, the harder it is to control my emotions and have a pocker face on as a kid. Because no kids can do this.... well, maybe itachi and Sasuke... well, not exactly Sasuke because he explodes right away, if he feels insulted he would just attack them.

Okay, back to where I am panicking, I saw the door slide open and I prepared my stance. I saw my father, holding a glass of warm tea. I activated my Byakugan just in case if it was one of the Hyuūga elder, trying to take revenge on me. After I found my father startled and tried to calm me down, I saw that it really was my father. Not that poor excuse of a grandfather and the other oldies. 

I deactivated my Byakugan and lowered my stance. He gave me the tea and we talked what happened over a..... 3 cups of tea. He was disgusted and angry.Not at me, but the elders. He was really boiling mad... well, if anyone looked closer, you could see him go red with anger.

He was muttering ,something I didn't understand because it was too fast, under his breath. I just stared at him.

Flashback end

It was a really close call. If not, I would have to tell the truth that I remember my memories from my past life I wonder why.

Oh yeah, Also I am a big fan of the Harry Potter movie so I tried to find some stick of a very thick bark of the First's Mokuton trees of a White Dogwood and some Liger's Fang I fought for in training ground 44 or the accurate name, The Forest of Death, with Naida ,with a Snowbell petal I acquired when it was winter. Liger is a hybrid of a Male Lion and a female Tiger. Okay back to where I am making the stick. The stick smells of an animal but at the same time a flower smell. I used my chakra to merge them together and it worked, fits me properly

So I tried to use the curse spell on the most of the creepers(giant Spiders, giant bloodsucking moths, basically, everything in there is Giant and either poisonous or bloodsucking or carnivorus or all of the above.... side)

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!!" I shouted pointing my white dogwood stick, Liger's Fang and a Snowbell petal wand to the Spider... It's pretty fun.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!" I shouted again, blocking the Spider's poisonous web it's spitting.

"MUAHAHAHAHAA!!!!AVADA KEDAVRA!!AVADA KEDAVRA!!AVADA KEDAVRA!!AVADA KEDAVRA!!AVADA KEDAVRA!!AVADA KEDAVRA!!AVADA KEDAVRA!!" I yelled lots of Avada Kedavra, seeing the enemy writhe in pain makes it fun.... OH NO!!! I AM GOING TO BE A SERIAL KILLER....Ma, ikka (Well, whatever), The others kill to survive, some to protect their precious people or some to just have fun.

"kukukuku, what an interesting Jutsu" I heard from the back of me.. OH NO!!

'Did I release too much Chakra?' I asked my head.

"Yes" I heard the guy... Orochimaru chuckled.. Never knew he chuckled

"Ummmm... YOU WILL NEVER CATCH NOR FIND ME!!!!" I shouted, running away, flailing my arms to the back of my body, running away as fast as possible.

He caught up to me and I thought of some spells I read in the Harry potter wikia and the first thing I shouted was " CHEERING CHARM!!!" I shouted, pointing the wand at him








"-Chuckle- HAAAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA" He burst into a full blast laughter and rolled onto the ground..... Do they show something that is funny?

"Crucio with Cheering Charm?!?!" I shouted, wondering if it would work


Oh hey, it worked

I slowly backed off, my hands up in the air as an I give up/ I surrender and I ran alllllllll the way back to the entrance of the forest.' Ah!!' I thought in realization and put my palm on my fist and I smirked evily. GOod thing I just brought an extra bottle. I shrunk all of the Dangerous animals fromt the forest inside the bottle, tame them and Vioala, You could see that now the Hyūga compound is filled with Large things from the forest of death. But good for protection. As long as you don't attack it, it wouldn't harm you. That's what I told them, -Sniff, I am so proud of them.

I went back to Orochimaru to see that he was still writhing in pain but laughing, holding is stomach.

"Diminuendo!!" I shouted, pointing the wand to him and then pointing to the bottle. Orochimaru slowly shrunk while at the same time going into the bottle.

"-Smirk- Well, looks like now you are the EXPERIMENT!!" I said, laughing evily, seeing him pale when I described him as an experiment. Well, technically he is. Because I have been using the spells on animals... or archinade or something.....

"Kuchiyose: Macbook Pro!" I said, slamming the palm of my right hand, the left still contains the bottle where orochimaru is, on the floor

I typed in Spiders..... Oh its an arachnids.. Why do they have to use harder spelling for english? isn't this like greek or something? Please don't blame me.

I desummoned the Mac back and saw Orochimaru drooling at the information. I raised an eyebrow and shaked the bottle, leaving him dizzy and looking like he wanted to puke.

I made a deal with him. If he could help me finish off the Hyūga elders and not destory Konoha, I will free him and give hime some jutsus from Naruto Wikia -Smirk- This is going to be fun and we are going to be GOOD friends.... Well, it would be weird to see a 50 year old befriending a 12 year old, technically a 30 year old..... Damn....I'm old

But after that, i altered the memories of the people who had heard/seen me talk in my fit of panic with the wand. I erased and replaced most of the once I did to 'prodigiosly'

Died then turned into Neji's Twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now