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How old are Crystal and Archie? (Chapter 2)

Ok so there has been a lot of confusion about all of this. The blurb was set in the past (when Crystal was 2 and Archie was 6). This book is set when Archie is in grade 12 (age 17) and Crystal is in grade 8 (age 13). Yes I know this is a large age gap but I wanted the gap to define that Crystal is most definitely Jake's Sister. However I do not have anything against these relationships as long as they are done right, if you have trouble getting past the age gap either stop reading or just look at it like this, 4 years is not a very big difference when your adults, in fact i am sure some of your parents probably have a 4 year or so age gap. Its normal.


Omggg the story is not done yet right?? (Chapter 19)

Nope you still got 16 more chapters!


What happened with the whole Luke / Sam situation? (Private message)

It's pretty hard to understand if you haven't read my previous stories before which are: The Boy With The Green Eyes and Addicted To Him. To cut a long story short, Archie's mother (Sara) fell in love with Sam who wasn't the classic definition of "perfect" but Sara liked him none the less. Luke got jealous of this, and always questioned why Sara had picked a "druggy" over him. Anyway basically in the 2nd book when Sam is put on trial (as well as Crystal) for drug use, Luke starts to get closer to Sara. Then the whole baby twins thing happens which is how Archie is obviously made and his long lost brother Oscar. Sara is upset, like any 18 year old would be with an unplanned pregnancy especially with 2 babies. So she totally blocks Sam out because she was confused and wanted to blame it on someone. Luke left to go to phoenix and it was a very sad goodbye between the two but Sara still had mixed emotions. Later on you can imagine whatever you want, but Sara and Luke got married and had another child (Archies baby sister), but Sara didn't know that Sam was actually in jail at that time for killing a child and doing drugs which we learn later on that it was all set up. Luke was the one that pushed little Oscar down the stairs because he was angry, angry that Sara had a child with Sam and not him. He was later convicted but by that time, it was to late and Sam had gone to heaven. Hope that kinda sums it up for yaaa.


Crystal seems like a slut and so does Archie's mum. (Private Message)

First of all don't try and slut shame my characters because they were not written to be sluts or have any slutty behaviour. Its wrong to slut shame especially when there is absolutely no evidence to support your claims. Crystal has never cheated or had sex with anyone but Archie. So I have no idea where you are getting this theory from.

Sara has never cheated either, yes she mingles more with males and is flirty at times but she has never done anything that can make people call her a slut. Just because she got pregnant at 18 with her boyfriend doesn't make her slutty. She may of had twins with Sam but then they broke up and after about 5 years she had a child with her husband (Luke) that is perfectly expectable so quit shaming the characters.


How Long did it take you to write this book? (Chapter 23)

It took me about 6 months :)


You do realise you can earn a lot of money on this book if you just connected your card right?? (Private Message)

I do realise that but my life isn't based around money. I don't need to connect any of my bank details to wattpad because I wouldn't get much nor would I feel comfortable with doing it. Also I write my books for fun and like to take however long needed to write a book and update chapters, so I don't want to promise anything that i know I can't handle.


Fav songs you listened to? (Private Message)

- Secret Love Song - Little Mix

- One Dance - Drake

- Young God - Halsey

- Firestone - Kygo

- No More Sad Songs - Little Mix

- This Town - Nial Horan

- Power - Little Mix

( I am not a mixer thoughh, I am just feeling there music right now)


Soooo, I hope some of you guys questions were answered in that. Comment down below if you want any more questions to be answered and I will update asap. Didn't use all of the Private Message ones as some were more about me and theories e.t.c but I decided to use the questions that I thought would be beneficial for you guys to know or recap and just to put a few of them straight in front of everyone. I am glad you enjoyed My Best Friends Sister and I want to formally announce that there will be a little bonus chapter because of our 20K READS so look out for that, I will give you a small hint: It involves interviews and prison cells ;) Anyway that chapter should be up in about a week or less. Hope you guys will continue to enjoy reading my books, I love you all xxx



This book would not have as many reads if it weren't for all of my readers, so thank you. There are a few in particular that have been very supportive throughout. A special mention goes to: shanakanayn- Jiggs1405- mystereous_bae for voting on every single one of my chapters and thank you to Reinardatjie for making a whole reading list called "the lot series" with all of the books in it. Oh and well done to our biggest detective ever, RreyLlynn for commenting on the intense chapters and guessing what was going to happen next (don't think you went unnoticed ;) I just couldn't respond otherwise it would give it away.)

Lastly thank you to my 2 beautiful friends: @ragithemarve_2112 and @Tibby_TMM you guys always commented and praised me on the weirdest of things, I love you guys and also you still owe me that cake Raginey.


"If you don't imagine, nothing ever happens at all"

John Green.

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