↪hi,new me↩

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Hi,new me
You look so free
You look so pretty
You look like you're glowing
And as happy as can be

Let's ignore the dark circles
Let's overlook your frown
Let's ignore those wrinkles
That hint that you are down

Let's look at the bright side of things
See,you are dazzling!
Why does saying that make you blink
Away the tears that keep forming?

You'll be alright
You'll heal,you are fine
But everything's all bright
And it kind of makes you blind

But it's fine,darkness is unhealthy
You aren't supposed to prefer it
Your eyes might hurt slightly
But they would get over it

You would love the light again
And bask in its warmth
Not feel like shadows call your name
And want it's embrace and its thorns

You would be happy again
I promise

My reflection seems to not trust me anymore

『Writing for ME,MYSELF,and I』Where stories live. Discover now