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straight Vodka
shawn mendes
14 years old


"hey, my names Shawn, and I'm in your biology class, and I, was uh, wondering if you'd like to go to the cinema with me this friday?"

nervous, I felt nervous. the butterflies in my stomach flew as I stared at the beautiful young girl in front of me.

Mai was indeed precious, I had had a crush on her for three months now and I had finally gained the courage to ask her out.

Mai was a mysterious girl, she always sat at the back of the class, looking out the window, daydreaming about god knows what.

daydreaming, a hobby of hers I noticed when I first found interest in the petite brunette, she'd just look out the window and stare, she'd watch the wind push dead leafs around and observe the blossoming flowers.

she was a beautiful individual that I had found interest in, her messy brown locks that cascaded just below her shoulders and the freckles above her nose, just below her dark brown eyes, were one of my favorite qualities of hers.

she smiled up at me, her hands falling from the grip she had around a pencil. "o-oh, uh, sure, id love to, where should we meet?"  her beautiful voice spoke.

"how about at the mc donalds, near the entrance of the cinema, we could get some food or something, if you'd like."

"okay, I'll have to ask my parents, though, I'm sure they'll say yes." she beams, her small fingers playing with the corners of  the green desk.

if only I had known then, that the only thing I ever gave her was grief and loneliness, a feeling of sadness and cold cheeks.

To be honest, I can't necessarily even get 3 votes on a chapter, and I have loads of them that I haven't published so I'm just gonna start posting them. Screw votes, who needs them anyways? 😂

This chapter was really short, but I'm editing the others, which I promise will be longer.

And if you didn't notice, this was a flashback, to 2011, in the previous chapter they're in 2017 and they are both 20.
I think... ugh idk maths.

2011- 14 years old
2012- 15 years old
2013- 16 years old
2014- 17 years old
2015- 18 years old
2016- 19 years old
2017- 20 years old

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