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(you have dark magic, light magic, you are also a mutant​.)

Y/N p.o.v

I couldn't sleep after what happened. I want outside my tent, to find the lost boys playing true or dare."Y/n come play with us." Felix said. I put a hand on my chin, to act like I was thinking."Sure why not." I said while sitting next to Devon.

Ok Y/n Truth or Dare? Corbyn ask me

Dare . I answered

I dare you to kiss Jordan. My mouth fell wide open.

Do it or you have to get a scar.
I got up and walked over to Jordan.
I sat in front of him and he lean in so did I. Our lips touched and all the lost boys went.

Ohhhh, get some Jordan.
We pulled back and I walk back to where I was sitting.

I didn't know you would have actually do it. Felix said laughing.
Then I look at pan and his face said it all jelous. I brush it off and we continue to play until I fell asleep on Felix's shoulder.

Time SKIP.
(Because I said so)

I wake up the pan shaking me.
Wake up.. Y/N, he said in a dark voice, that made me shivers and get Goosebumps​.

Wait I'll be out in a minute. I said taking the cover off me. Then I saw pan staring at me I look down and I gasp I what I saw. I was only in a bra and underwear.

Like what you see . I said smirking
Pan blank like a thousand times before answering. he said while walking backwards. Almost falling.
I'm alright he said getting out my tent.

Time skip
(Again... Sorry just tired from all the homework)

Pan's pov

I couldn't believe it. She actually kiss him.

Pan... I heard Y/N say.
Yes, I'm here. Let star training. I said walk out of camp as she followed me. I couldn't stop thinking about her she perfect.

I reach the training center. ( I don't know what it call so go with it). Ok I said. She look at me smile then looked away so I couldn't see her blush.

Y/N p.o.v

Pan he cute I guess. He even hotter when he a bloody demon.

What are you thinking Y/N, you just meet the dude.

Ok so first things first we need to see what your good at, he said
Then he walk to a spot where there was a Target board just just staying there m

Ok so first things first we need to see what your good at, he saidThen he walk to a spot where there was a Target board just just staying there m

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( For this part.
This =pan)
What I need you to do is to learn what powers you have.

Ok.. so I know I'm mutan, I have dark magic,and light magic.

Do you know how to use them.

No I only know how to do a firing spell.
Ohh... Ok so he need to star off on the basic things. So you could go in easily.

That what he said, I mutter. He look at me confused.
Nothing, I answered back.

Your powers will work base on your feelings. So what I need you do to is to think of something anything. Then aim your hands at the board. He said

I did what he told me to. I was thinking of all the bad thing that happened to me. How my mother left me on a side walk, at 3 months old, how my adopted family treated me horrible. Then I felt and energy I me.

Boommm.. goes the board and pan look at me with shockness(don't if it a word but) writing on his face.

That was... I mean how did you do that. He ask me I shook my head to tell him I don't know.
Then we practice some more and something fell on my nose it was water.

It raining...!! I yelled back of the rain pouring down like crazy.

Let go back to camp.. pan yelled back. By the time we arrive at camp we were soak from head to toe.
Everyone went to there tent and I followed.

Hours later ( think of the SpongeBob narrator voice thingy)

It stop raining and everyone came out of there tent again. Me be me I decide to walk around a little.
After five minutes of walking in came up to this beautiful field of flowers because of the sunset it look much more pretty

After five minutes of walking in came up to this beautiful field of flowers because of the sunset it look much more pretty

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I walked in the middle and sat down. While my mind search for a song to sing.

Pan's pov

I walked out my tent to find most of the lost boy was out. I looked around for Y/N. She was not there

Boys.. I yelled all their attention was on me now.
Where is Y/N?? I ask

She left after the rain. One of the lost boys name Jonah said . I nodded and went to look for her I also call Felix to come with me. I followed the trail of foot steps. They led to the flowers flied . Of course she would come here.
Then I heard her voice starting to sing.
Y/N p.o.v
Then I remembered my favorite song( little did you know) I started to sing.
Little did you know how I breaking while you fall asleep.
Little did you know I'm still haunted by the memory.
Little did you know Im trying to pick myself up piece by piece
Little did you know I.. more time
underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
I been holding back for the feel that might change your mind
I ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight
Little did you know I need a little more time.. I stop singing cause I felt a person behind me, I slowly turn my head to see Felix and pan staring at me.
We did you stop. Felix wined. I didn't answer. I just got up and walk back to camp leaving a confuse look on pan and
Felix's face.
When I got to camp it was already dark so I just went to my tent change in to my PJs.

When I got to camp it was already dark so I just went to my tent change in to my PJs

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And went to bed like nothing happened.

A/n sorry I have not been updating so and homework and all the other boring thing in my life came me for doing so I'm back now 😁😁

Baiiiiii little brown girl is out
(You love Liza koshy)

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