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I had a vision of my mom. And I felt this power in me. It wasn't light magic. It was darkness I could tell. But I like it. It's been a week since y/bf/n had came to neverland and you had that vision. First she started to get close to Peter. I wasn't complaining until she came from the log she was sitting and sat in the middle of us. " He y/bf/n.. you like neverland so far??" I ask her. " Hey it's fun.. nofences but I like this neverland than the Disney on." She said. " I know I like dark peter Better." I said smiling. " Glad to know love." Peter said. And she did the unexpected and start to touch his hair and touching his face. It was night and we we're having a bonfire. I felt like I wanted to choke her to death. I decide to go to my treehouse and think." Hey Peter I'll be at my treehouse if you need me." I said as I strated to walk away. " Uhmm okay see you later." He said starting to play his flute. When I got there my mom was there. " Hi Mom." I said hugging her. " Hi I'm here to warn you about camelot." She said as her smile drop. " W... What happened??" I ask. " Well the dragon want to destroy The kingdom. She working for Merlin and Arthur." She said. Oh hell no. I could feel the power in my veins. " You must come back and rule or we will lost the war." She said. "Wait war??" I ask her in surprise. " Yes war will start in months we need to prepare." She said walking around the house. " Uhmm let me think about it ?" I said getting out of the house. I walk to camp and Peter saw me. " Hey what's wrong?" He ask me. " Well the dragon is working with this guy name Merlin to take over camelot and my mother ask me to call me back and rule." I said looking down. " Did you answered??" He ask me. " No I don't want to leave you and I don't want my people to die." I said. " I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow." I said as I teleport to Peter treehouse. Then went to sleep. ( This font= dream or vision.)

I was running around with the knights. So many people were dead. Fire was everywhere. Then I saw the drangon. She was the one during all of this.

Pan's pov
I went to my tree house and saw Y/n sleeping. I wonder what she's is going to choose to stay with me or go with her mother. I went to sleep and she kept moving and saying random things in Greek. Which I don't speak. So I didn't understand. The she bolt awake terrified. And hug her and she calm down. " Want to talk about it??" I wisper to her. But she said no. Something is wrong. I didn't feel her. All I felt was darkness . Oh no her mother is turning her dark. Then when I touch her I saw what she saw. Y/n and her mother talking to a old man. Y/n was talking to him. She didn't look the same. I let go and went to sleep. I knew what her mother was up to.

Time SKIP ( by Morgause. You mad or nahhh)
I woke up and Y/n wasn't there. I went looking for her. And she was talking to her mom. I use magic to hear what their saying. " Did you choose yet??" Her mother ask her. " I already did. I'm coming but Peter is coming with me." She said. Wait.. what who said I was coming. Her mother shrugged then say. " Fine but he have to be willing to fight and kill." . Then Y/n nodded. I need to talk to her. Then she left and her mother left to. I went and talk to her. " Hey.. " I said as she sat under the willow tree. " Hey.. IneedtocometoCamelotwithme." She said fast. " Uhmm... What??" I said laughing. " I need you to come to camelot with me." She said slower. " What about neverland and who will wacth over the boys?" I told her. She think. " Maybe Felix."
" Felix will not be doing that. He will probably kill them. " I said.

" Fine I'll go by myself..." She said.
" Ugh I'm coming." She jump in my arms. And I caught her and started to walk. " Thank you.." she said. " You wel..." She cut me off by planting a kiss on my lips. We never wanted to end. The kiss depends. But then she pulled away. " Why did you stop.." I ask. " Because we are almost at camp and I don't want the boys to see us." She said. As she got down from my arms.I smirking and walk us into camp. She got down and talk to Felix.

Y/n p.o.v
I went and talk to Felix. " Hey I need a really big favor." I told him. " Hey what ever you need." She said back. " Uhmm okay.. I need you to wacth over the boys. Me and Peter have some stuff to take care of." I said. " Ohhh I see." He said smirking. I slapped his arm. " I'm going back to camelot and Peter is coming with me. " I said. " What why.. are you going back.. are you staying.??" He ask start panicking. " What no.. there's war and my mom ask me to come. I peter won't let me go by myself." I said. " Ohh okay." He said. " Thank you" I said. I walk back then trip over something. I groan and go up and the boys were laughing. I moan and walk to the log and sat next to Peter. " Hey.. I'm your new leader.. okay so what ever I say goes." Felix said smiling. I feel bad for the boys already. " NO!!!" All of them yelled. " Felix.. not now. Until we are going." I told him. " Yeah and I'm still here." Peter said. It was getting dark." Hey can you sing for us?" Peter ask me. " Sure and let's make s'mores. " I said and use magic to make crackers and marshmallow and Hershey chocolate appear. " Guys Y/n is going to sing for use and we are making s'mores. " Peter said and all the boys came and sat in a circle. " It called Stay by Rihanna." I said.( Play the video. Because I'm to lazy to right the lyrics. I'm sorry). We made s'mores and my best friend help me sing since she knows the song to. Then everyone went to sleep and me and Peter pack for our trip tomorrow.

Time skip( by me
Me*Pan their mad at me for time skip.
Pan* that's good. Your lazy and never want to right the damn story. So if their after you. I won't help.*
Me* woah such a friend you are. I'm make a story about you. Your ungrateful son of nuggets.*)

Hey lovis, I'm back hope you like it.
I'll be updating on Wednesday, Saturday. Have a good day are night. It's always dark in neverland.

Little brown girl is outttt bayyy 🎉😂🤣

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