Gaurdian Angel

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Pinkie Pie:

It's been a week since the accident. Fluttershy's being discharged today, so I decide to go to the hospital morgue to say goodbye to my body. I've went to see it a few times. I look peaceful. It's wierd to look at myself outside my body. It's like I'm sleeping.

I've gotten better. I'm laughing more. I pretend like my friends can hear me. Especially Fluttershy. She's doing better too. She's still pretty sad, though.

I fly down floor by floor. I like flying, like, a lot. I can fly really fast. I could beat Rainbow Dash! A few days ago, I flew down the biggest hallway in five seconds! Five seconds! That's really fast!

Once I'm at the basement, I walk down the creepy hallway that leads to the morgue. A light flickers. The perfect set up for a horror movie. Even though I'm a ghost, this hallway really freaks me out. I fly to the end as fast as I can, and through a door on the left.

Wanna know why morgues are so creepy? It's because they are filled with ghosts staring at their dead bodies. Since we can't open the drawers, we formed a line, and when it's your turn, you slip in the drawers, and get five minutes with your dead body. Unfortunately for me, I'm at the back of the very long line.

I try to avoid the ghosts in the hospital, because they are all grumpy about being dead, and I can't have that type of negativity in my afterlife.

I'm standing behind a woman I've never seen down here before. She looks terrified, and jumps each time one of the other ghost looks at her, or accidentally touch her. She must be a new ghost. I must give her a warm welcome to the afterlife.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" I say tapping on her shoulder. She tenses up, and looks back at me. I give her a warm smile. She relaxes her shoulders, and smiles back.

"I'm Misty Heart," she says. "but you can call me Misty. That's what my friends call me." Her smile drops. "Well they used to call me that." I give her an apologetic smile, and pat her on the shoulder.

"You'll get used to it!" I say. "Just pretend they can hear you! That's what I do!" She smiles again.

"Thanks, it's nice to talk to someone friendly." She says looking around at the other ghosts.

"Yea," I say. "they're just big ol' grumpy pants." She laughs, and I do to.

"Your so young." She says with a frown. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen." I say with a sad smile. Tears form in her eyes. "Don't cry!" I say touching her shoulder. "I'm fine. Maybe I died to lighten the ghost World up." I say with a laugh. She laughs.

"Um, I don't know if this is rude to ask, but how did you die?" She asks.

"I was hit by a car saving my, uh, friend, Fluttershy." I say with a smile. "I'm glad I died, and not her. I wouldn't be able to live without her."

"Was she more than a friend?" She asks. I study her face. She don't look like the kind of person to judge, but you never know. I decide to trust her.

"No, but I wish she was." I say with a sigh."Before the accident, I was just about to tell her my feelings, but I didn't get too." I look down. Misty lifts my chin up, and smiles at me.

"I bet she loves you too." She says.

"Actually I know she does." I say. "Before I died, I wasent able to move, or talk, or even open my eyes fully. I could open them just a little bit, but nobody noticed. Fluttershy came into my room. She told me how it was her fault the car hit me, but it wasn't. The car made no sounds. I barely saw it in time! After she said that, she said she loved me and kissed me on the cheek." I smile, and blush.

A Guardian Angel Named Pinkie Pie(Flutterpie)(MLP)Where stories live. Discover now