Something in the Water

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Can I have an imagine with Stiles, where he save her from drowning during gym class and then decide to teach her how to swim? (Maybe with a moment when she just stare at his torso with admiration (damn we never got a Stiles shirtless scene in the whole serie)) (I saw the gif where Stiles is saying that their swiming team sucks and I just got that idea lolol) Please and thanks 💕

(I did female pronouns because that's what the request used, you you guys prefer when I used gender neutral pronouns? Let me know!)


Gym class was never my favorite, but sitting here listening to our teacher go on and on about the proper safety regulations and equipment was putting me to sleep. That's one of the worst things about the beginning of a new class, all the boring speeches from every one of your teachers.

My class was sitting in the aquatics center listing to the swim coach lecture on and on about not touching the swim team stuff, I mean, who wants to take a one of their swim boards?

When class was dismissed, everyone got up in quite a hurry. Having gym at the end of the day was a blessing and a curse. You got to go straight home after working up a sweat, but everyone rushed to leave so quickly.

During the rush of other students, I dropped my bookbag and bent to pick it up, only then a swarm of girls bolted past me and knocked me into the water.

"No, no, no"  I thought, as my body began to sink.

Water began to fill my lungs and my arms and legs flailed to keep my head above the water. My head began to pound and body became tired. My vision became blurry, and then eventually faded to black.

Stiles POV

Class was boring as usual, well, more than usual. I followed the crowd of students outside and started heading towards the jeep. I rummaged around in my pockets for a few minutes until I realized that I must've left my keys where I was sitting next to the pool. I sigh heavily before turning around and making my way through the flood of kids, back towards the pool.

When I pushed open the heavy aquatic center door, my eyes were immediately drawn towards the movement and splashing in the pool.. Was that a girl?

Without another thought, I slipped off my shirt and toed off my shoes before diving into the baneful blue waters. My eyes stung from the chlorine as I saw her drifting deeper and deeper. I swam to her and wrapped my arms around her body, securing my grasp before pulling both of us to the surface.

Once I had her out of the pool for a few seconds, my heart dropped when she wasn't waking up. I pressed both of my hands on her chest, praying for a response.

A small cough escaped her lips, letting go of the water that infiltrated her lungs. A few more coughs came from her body before her eyes began to flutter open.


The taste of chlorine whirled in my mouth, waking me up from the darkness I had been encaptured in. As my eyes tried to adjust to the light, I noticed I wasn't alone. His figure came into focus as I slowly began to sit up.

"Woah there, take it easy" he said, helping me up by placing one of his hands on my lower back.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Memories began to flood back to me, the girls who pushed me in, the feeling of water filling my lungs.

"I almost died", I said shakily, tears threatening to spill from my eyes, "I almost drowned".

"Hey, hey" he said in a low calming voice, "you didn't. You're okay now, I promise".

I looked up to see the most beautiful brown eyes, and a kind smile. After steadying my breath, I spoke again.

"Thank you.."

"Stiles, Stiles Stilinski".

"Stiles" I repeated, I like that name.

After staring into his eyes for what seemed like forever, his phone near the bleaches buzzed. He glanced over to it and became aware of what time it was.

"Oh crap", he said "I came back in here to get my keys and.."

"And you saw me".

"Yeah, I saw you" he replied, shy smile on his face.

He stood up to grab his stuff and came back over towards me. The way the afternoon light highlighted the drops of water still clinging to his broad chest made my mind go fuzzy. He held out a hand to help me up, and I happily took it. We made our way past the pool, safely this time, and towards the parking lot. Stiles walked me to my car as I tried not to let him catch me staring.

"This is me" I said, holding up my keys, "thank you again Stiles, you really saved me back there".

"Don't worry about it" he replied, a soft blush on his face. I opened my car door, and threw my bookbag in the backseat. Just before I got in, Stiles turned back to me.

"You know, I could help you" he said, "I could teach you how to swim".

"You'd teach me?" I asked, watching as he nodded. "I'd love that".

  A few weeks later, Stiles and I had plans to meet at the aquatic center. I walked out of the changing room with my bathing suit on and looked around for Stiles. Luckily, he'd already found me, giving me a very interested up and down look over with his eyes. God, he was cute.

We got in the pool and my hands started to shake. Stiles must've noticed because he came over to me held my hands in his.

"You're okay Y/N, I'm here. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you" he reassured.

Our lesson consisted of Stiles holding my back as I practiced floating my body, treading water and him guiding me through the pool with a swim board. I was feeling more comfortable in the water, and especially more comfortable with Stiles.

I practiced more and more on my own, becoming more confident with every supportive word from Stiles.

He swam over to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"This has been really fun Stiles, I think I actually like swimming now" I told him with a big smile. My eyes flickered down to his plump pink lips and I saw him do the same.

"I think I like something else besides swimming" he said with a smirk. A few moments later, our lips met, neither of us minding the taste of a little chlorine.

When our lips pulled apart, we both gasped for air, smiles all around.

"You up for another lesson next week?" I asked with a cheesy grin. Maybe the water isn't so bad after all.

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