Chapter Fifteen

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"Pax?!" Frost pulled his gun as he stepped over the broken items in the foyer.

He was thinking the worst until he heard her voice, "In here Frost!"

Frost eased his pistol back into its hiding place as he walked into the office. Pax was focused on her laptop screen. Frost cut his eyes to Joker. He was slumped in a chair with an icepack over his eye. "Uh, Pax."

"Yes Frost dear?"

"What happened to him?" Joker cut his eye to Frost as he spoke.

Pax peeked over her screen, "Oh, he's fine. Aren't you J?"

Joker growled as he lowered his ice pack and turned to Frost, "Peachy."

"What's going on here?" Frost talked through gritted teeth.

Pax sighed as she continued typing, "We had a disagreement, but everything is fine now."

Frost nudge his head towards the door as he spoke to Joker, "A word with ya?"

Joker pushed from his seat and followed him. They entered an extra room and closed the door. "What is it?"

Frost sat as he rubbed his mouth, "Harley had a contract out on Pax."

"Had?" Joker cocked an eyebrow.

Frost nodded, When Durlin heard about it. They came to an agreement. She would lift it if Durlin would get her out of the picture."

Joker stood as he looked down with his hands on his hips. "Don't tell her anything about this, she needs to focus on Wayne Enterprises. Once she's done."

Frost interrupted as he stood, "You'll let her go right?"

Joker rolled his head, "Well.."

"You told her..!" Frost charged towards him.

Joker carelessly held out his hand, "Yeah yeah.."

"Unbelievable. She means nothing to you, yet." Frosts eyes grew wide as he paused, "You son of a bitch."

Joker calmly turned to him with his hands in is pockets, "Yes?"

"Your a dead man!" Frost wrinkled his face as he pointed his finger at Joker.

Joker eased into a slight crouched position as he held out his hands beckoning Frost, "Come on. Let's see whatcha got."

Frost roared as he charged Joker and slammed him into the bookshelf wall. Joker growled and grabbed a metal bookcase end and hit it sideways across Frost's jaw.

Frost stumbled back and was about to charge again, but Joker jumped and planted both feet on Frost's chest knocking him to the ground and the air out of his lungs. Joker straddled him as he lifted his head by his collar and did a mean right hook. Frost grabbed Joker by the throat as he tried to choke him.

Suddenly, both men flinched when Pax shot a pistol into the ceiling, "I think that's enough ass kickin for today boys. Go get clean for dinner. We're going out."

Jokers chest heaved as he climbed off of Frost and offered him his hand. Frost glared up as he took it. Joker pulled him up; Frost continued his glare as he straightened his jacket and walked away.

Frost found Pax in her closet as she tried to decide what to wear, "I always wondered, even though your bigger, why he's the boss." Pax turned to Frost and watched him flex his jaw. She affectionately examined it as he stared at her. "Don't look at me like that."

Frost rolled his eyes, "He doesn't feel pain like we do. The chemicals did something to him."

Pax straightened his tie, "Don't be angry at him, I couldn't stay innocent forever. Besides, when Durlin gets a hold of me..."

Frost gently grabbed her hands down from his tie, "When? Oh no. I promise that won't happen. I'll die before that happens."

Pax steeped away with a blank face, "Well, it was nice knowing you."

Frost huffed past her, "Enjoy your night out." He quickly made his way to the foyer as Joker entered at the same time. Frost pointed his finger at him as he made his exit, "You deserved it asshole." Joker stood silent as Frost slammed the door.

Joker flexed his jaw as he was thinking, "If Harley told Durlin about Pax; then the house was no longer safe."

Joker sprinted up the stairs to find Pax easing into her dress. She gasped from the intrusion, "Can't you knock?"

Joker bit his knuckle as he saw her, "As much as I would like to take advantage of this situation, we need to leave. Now."


He growled as he grabbed her hand, "I'll explain later."

"Later?" Pax was having a hard time keeping up.

Joker heaved her over his shoulder, "After your safe, and .." Pax didn't have to let him finish, she knew what he had on his mind.

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