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Taehyung and Hoseok were slowly being surrounded. The younger protectively pulled Hoseok closer to him and put his hands over his eyes. The flashing lights were starting to get to him. Being that he drank so much alcohol earlier made it even worse. "Go away!" He yelled.

Hoseok tugged on Taehyung's arm and tried to take him away from the paparazzi. "Come on, Tae." He kept pulling but Taehyung wouldn't budge. "I'm tired of running away" he told Hoseok. The elder sighed and let go.

Taehyung put his face up to one of the cameras and looked directly into the lens.

"Whoever is watching this, I would like to tell you something. I, Kim Taehyung am infatuated with a man named Jung Hoseok and yes, I am gay. Well at least I'm gay for him. Wait, no. I'm not anything. I'm just Taehyung who doesn't need to be labeled so if you have a problem with that, good for you.

You've just accomplished being a judgemental and ignorant-"

Hoseok quickly covered Taehyung's mouth. "Tae!" He shouted.

It was almost as someone pressed a panic button and the younger and he just blacked out. He didn't know what happened until he looked around.

There was a broken camera lens on the ground, a crying Hoseok, shocked paparazzi, and a bleeding hand. His bleeding hand.

Hoseok grabbed Taehyung's free hand and used all of his strength to pull him away. Finally, the younger stopped resisting. He pushed pass the crowd of people and hailed a taxi.

Taehyung's hand was slowly turning purple and blue.

"Please hurry to the hospital!" Hoseok told the cab driver. After saying that, he ripped a piece off of his sweater and wrapped it around Taehyung's hand.

"What were you thinking?!" He yelled once he was done. "You keep hurting yourself, Tae! I don't like this at all!" Taehyung sighed and looked out the window. "It's not my fault" he stated plainly.

Hoseok gave him a look of disbelief.

"It's not your fault? Is that all you can say after you just broke a guys camera, cut your hand, and possibly ruined the both of our careers?! Please explain to me how none of this is your fault!"

"We wouldn't be going through this if you didn't keep making me fall for you over and over again. If you haven't realized, this has only brought trouble our way. If I had a choice, I would..."

"Finish the sentence. You would what?"

"...I would've never fallen in love with you"

Hoseok wanted to cry after hearing those words escape Taehyung's lips.

"I can't believe you just said that"

"So you prefer that I lie to you? Hoseok, you listened to all of my recordings so you know just how much I went through because I love you"

A tear came out of Hoseok's eye and fell onto his blue jeans. "Well guess what? It's too late for that b-because I told you how I felt. If I would've know that all I did was h-hurt you, I wouldn't have said anything so I'm sorry. Sorry for ruining your life" he cried. He hid his face in his hands and sobbed silently.

Taehyung felt a pang of guilt in his chest.

"I messed up."


Told you guys that it wasn't over 😉

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