okay dieser part ist auf englisch (:
he's looking at me and I'm looking back at him..he's dancing so beautiful..I can't stop looking at him..and he can't stop looking at me..his eyes are blue..blue like the ocean..his face..so flawless..his hair brown like chocolate..his lips looking so soft..wish I could kiss him..his body so perfect..he looks like an Angel..an Angel that fell from heaven..he inspires me to an song..to an slow song..I'm imagining how I'm dancing with him to this song..so romantic..so much passion..so much love..that's beautiful dancing..
Meine Gedichte und Gedanken
Poetryhallo meine lieben leser (falls ich leser habe lol) in diesem buch schreibe ich meine Gedichte und meine Gedanken rein ich hoffe es wird euch gefallen :)