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Taehyung woke up suddenly from his peaceful sleep. Not really knowing what woke him up so urgently, he took in his surroundings. The sun was shining, he could feel it’s warm glow on his face. He realized it was already maybe 10, 11 o’clock. The world had already woken up fully, whereas he still was in bed. Unbothered by the fact that he should get up, the brown haired boy simply rolled onto his back and stared at the sealing for a while.

Taehyung had this unsettling feeling in his stomach. Like he was... Forgetting something. But he just couldn’t figure out what it was. After a few minutes of tryinng to remember, he just decided to give up and go back to sleep. Then he suddenly noticed his phone’s screen light up, implying he’d gotten a message from someone. He rolled to his side and picked up the iPhone from the nightstand, yawning tiredly. Taehyung opened his phone and saw that it wasn’t a text, it was an e-mail instead. Mr. Shin. Who the hell was Mr. Shin?!

Mr. Shin…

He repeated the name in his head for a while, until something clicked. Holy shit it was his first day at the new college. Nononononono this couldn’t be happening.

Like a bullet fired from a gun, Taehyung shot out of bed, threw on the first thing he could find, grabbed the black and white backbag and was out of the door in a matter of seconds.

He had no time to think about anything, like the fact that his shirt was on backwards and that he didn’y lock the door, when he ran to the nearest bus stop. Only in the bus his brain got a little rest and he was left catching his breath, cursing in his mind for not waking up in time. He had been incredibly sleep deprived lately, with the move and everything that had been going on. Trying not to think of it so much, Taehyung turned his train of thought elsewhere. That elsewhere was the big grey building he was now staring at.

Taehyung had never really been scared of new places and people. He was very antisocial, sure, but it’s not like he was shy. Normally people either didn’t like him or then he didn’t like them. So he preferred to be by himself, simple.

But this was a different situation. It was a completely new school in a completely new part of Seoul with new teachers, students, classrooms, everything. That thought was kind of nerve-racking. Then again he knew he’d have to get used to the new stuff now. He’d just have to make the best out of it. Being late on his first day isn’t the greatest start to be honest, but well life had thrown much more woorse things on Kim Taehyung.
Tae realized he’d gotten lost in his own mind again and walked to the big front doors of the school, breathing in and out. Here we go.

Walking to the principal’s office, Taehyung noticed everybody staring at him. He could already tell this was the type of place where everyone knew each other and rumors spread fast. He didn’t mind though. Taehyung a smile to the blonde woman behind the secretary’s desk and she quickly looked something up on her computer, then guiding the boy to the principal’s office.

Taehyung nodded thankfully to the secretary and then bowed politely tp the man who assumed to be the principal of this school. He took a quick look at his surroundings. The office was small but cozy, bookshelfs decorating two walls and a window on the wall behind the principal. Speaking of whom, was grinning warmly at Taehyung, and made a gesture for him to sit down. But what really caught Taehyung’s attention was the angelic boy sat on the chair beside him.

He had never seen a man so beautiful in his life. The boy’s silky silverr hair framed his face perfectly, his skin looked like it was actually glowing, which Taehyung wss pretty sure it did, and his face.. Oh lord take me now, was all that Taehyung could think. Not that he was gay or anything.


Maybe just a little bit.

Taehyung finally got his eyes off the boy and sat down, facing the principal. “Nice to meet you Taehyung, welcome to our school” Mr. Shin said with a bright smile on his face and Taehyung just nodded. “You were a bit late but we’ll excuse you since it’s your first day” The principal then continued with a chuckle and Taehyung bowed his head a bit in embarrassment, cheeks getting hotter.
“This is Park Jimin, he’ll be taking you under his wing until you get familiar with the place” The principal then explained and Taehyung just looked at the boy, Jimin, for a bit. This godlike creature was supposed show him around? Taehyung knew he was in deeeeeep shit.

“You should do fine, Jimin is in all of your classes and well, you seem to read lips well. There shouldn’t be a problem”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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