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America: *clears throat* Before Russia hears, HUNGRUSS, SEYRUSS, OR RUSSPIPE?
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Admin/Gwen: HUNGRUSS! They will kick ass :D!
France/Francis: NON! I WILL NOT LET MON PETIT SLEEP WITH HIM! *runs out of room*
Prussia/Gilbert: What zhe hell?
Admin/Gwen: *shrugs* Answer the question already!
Prussia/Gilbert: Fien. *looks at screen* SeyRuss, to speak zhe truth. I vould like to see how zhey vork...
Spain/Antonio: HungRuss, I agree with Admin.
Admin/Gwen: Now to get the frenchie back here...TO BE CONTINUED~!

~ Ask or Dare The Bad Touch Trio ~ //DISCONTINUED
FanfictionAsk or dare the BTT, or admin~! It can be anything you want to ask/dare! So that includes random stuff such as: perverted stuff, songs, shipings, anything really. *Remember to comment on the most recent chapter otherwise you might not get answered...