The Nordics are Drunk~!

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-after the shopping-

Admin/Jamielyn:Hope to see you again!

-then sees a Sweden carrying a drunk Denmark,Finland-


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Admin/Gwen: *interupting the comment* SO WHAT WE GO OUT? THATS HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE! CUZ WERE YOUNG AND WILD AND FREEEEEEE~! Sorry...I just love that song so much.

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Iceland:-facepalm- The BTT are drank alos...they forced Finland and Norway to drink. Now Norge is singing 'The Forx'

-then a drunk Norway came out dancing 'The Fox'-

Admin:-turns towards Gwen- I hope we do this again....

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Admin/Gwen: *smiles* So many song reffrences<3 Yes, we shall. I LOVE DRUNK RPing! Idk why, I like typing up slurrs that sound funny... *rofl moment at memory of a RP* Bye guys don't forget to comment! Oh, if you're wondering where the guys are, probably somewhere trying to pick up some girls... o_o'

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