Ch. 8 - Surprise

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"Do you understand how much she meant to me, Guzma?! She was the only thing that kept me sane! She's the reason I'm still alive!"


The only way you could describe the island where Aether resided was...they really liked the color white. Whether that was a good thing or not was what really made you feel uneasy. Regardless, you followed Guzma inside and got with him on the elevator to the lowest level of the building. This was supposedly the lab area of the building, which was questionable since the docks were above them.

"Welcome, Guzma!"

You flinched at the sound of another person, until you saw the lady standing before the two of you. She wasn't exactly wearing the Aether outfit you'd been seeing so far, but she still gave the look that she wasn't an intruder. "Oh, and who are you?" she glanced over to you.

"This is _____, he's new to the whole Alola region." Guzma motioned to you, quickly wrapping his arm behind your waist. "Not exactly part of my team, but he's mine so close enough."

Blushing, you held out your hand. "N-Nice to meet you."

The woman smiled and shook your hand. "I'm Wicke, nice to meet you too. So, I heard you're here to drop off a pokémon for us?"

"Yep, just a Gastradon."

"Wonderful. Follow me, please."

Taking your hand again, Guzma walked with you behind Wicke to the farthest door on the left side of the elevator. Inside was a rather small room with a Slowpoke hanging out on the floor. Guzma let go so you could interact with it while he took care of his business.

"First things first, I'll need the pokéball." Wicke started. Guzma remembered where he put it and knelt down with you.

"I'm gonna need that." he whispered in your ear as he snuck his hand in your jacket pocket. You blushed again, but knew he was just messing around with you, so you didn't think much of it.

As Guzma returned to his duties, the Slowpoke showed interest in leaving the room. For a moment, you hesitated, but since you had no way of leaving this tiny island without Guzma's help, you assumed he'd be alright with you wandering around a bit. You gently picked up the Slowpoke and exited the room.

Heading down the hallway, the only noises you could hear was the sound of your footsteps. You noticed that there was a giant empty space between the two rooms, which struck you as odd because those rooms were so tiny to begin with. Before you could go too deep in thought, however, the Slowpoke made a loud noise when you passed by the first door. This scared you, but decided to go with what the Slowpoke wanted and stepped inside.

It looked exactly like the previous room, but no one was inside. The Slowpoke squirmed around in your arms, so you set them down and looked around to see if there was anything of interest. A small table sat in front of a bookshelf, which was filled with books involving research. In front of the table was a desk that held a computer filled with more research. However, the only thing that sparked your interest was the door across from the door you just came through.

If these rooms are exactly alike, you thought, then Wicke must've been standing in front of the one in the other room, because this is the first time I'm seeing this.

Glancing back to the entrance door just to make sure no one was around, you quietly approached this new door. From what you could see through the window, it was very dark, so you had to cup your hands around your eyes to be able to see anything. After a moment, your eyes adjusted to the darkness, and once they did-

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