Ch. 9 - Lost

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"I can't guarantee they'll find him, but it's better to look for him like this than to do it all by yourself. Not sure what you saw in him to make you like him that much, but if you need us to find him, we'll sure as hell try to help."


It was late into the night when the sound of the front door nearly being slammed open scared you awake. Without even thinking, you rushed into the bathroom, taking Myst with you and locking the door behind you. Whether or not Nanu was going to answer the door didn't matter, because there was no way in hell you were going to confront whoever did that.

A few moments later, you listened to the front door open. "Where's _____?!" you heard a familiar thug practically yelling.

"It's 2 AM, go bother someone else." Nanu stated coldly. The door slammed again, so you could only assume that Nanu tried to close the door on him.

"Listen, you're the only other person that knows him, so you'd better fess up, punk!" Guzma yelled. You heard things get slammed, so you hid in the bathtub with the shower curtain closed, holding Myst close to you.

"I don't know where your friend went, Guzma." Nanu stated without missing a beat. "Can you leave me alone now, you're upsetting the Meowths."

Silence followed. Suddenly, Guzma yelled, "_____! I know you're in there! Look, I'm sorry, okay?! Can we just talk this out?!"

"Would you shut up and leave?" Nanu asked coldly. "He's not here, I told you already. What reason do I have to lie to you?"

Another moment of silence followed. "Ugh, fine!" Guzma growled before leaving. After hearing the door shut, you hesitantly peaked out the bathroom door.

"He's gone, don't worry." Nanu said quietly as he stepped over to you. With a nod, you slowly left the bathroom, but flinched when you heard faint screaming. "He's just having a verbal breakdown, it's nothing new or bad, really." Nanu explained.

You couldn't imagine the pain he must be experiencing right now, but at the same time...he hurt you in a way no one else could. It was his job to fix it, and whether he was going to do so or not, you didn't know if you could forgive him.

"I'm...I'm too awake to sleep, now." you muttered. "Can I use your computer?"

"Just turn down the brightness." Nanu said as he went back to bed, which was his way of saying that you could. Setting Myst down on your lap, you tried to relax in the chair and play a game. You opened up Solitaire and played for a few minutes, but it didn't help you calm down. You tried playing Berry Picker, Head It, hell even Tile Puzzle, but no matter how good or bad you were at the game, it didn't work.

Was it even worth it to date him? There's pretty much a whole side of him you never really knew about until today.

You leaned back and threw your arms over your head. They were talking to you again. You thought those voices had settled down, but they were obviously crawling their way back into your head. Knocking the side of your skull a few times, you sighed and looked down at Myst, who had passed out again. You would go back to sleep too, as you were physically exhausted from all the crying, but mentally, it felt like your brain was hyped up on sugar. Not a single thought stayed for long before another came and knocked the previous thought away; rinse and repeat.

Would you even be the same person after all this?

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