This collection might take some time to finish, I guess. Updates are surely not daily because I have a work life too. Whatever this may contain, it is a product of original thoughts. Therefore, do not steal it!
I would be happy if you tell these fables to your friends or family. (Just don't forget the usual credit.) If you have any idea about any "human value or vice" that you want me to write, just send me a private message. Surely, a fable will be dedicated to you.
I would also be happy to hear feedback from you, dear reader. Thank you.
Aesop's Son (On Going Collection)
NouvellesAesop is the Father of Fables. He created almost all fables that we learned in childhood. And he had a son. His father did not give him a name. So let us simply call him... Aesop's Son. He also wrote fables. But he died even before they were told t...