Homecoming Dance

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Waking up at the crack of dawn, I look up at the ceiling as my encounter with the ghost last night plagues my mind, having spent most of the night trying to make sense of it, eventually had fallen asleep

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Waking up at the crack of dawn, I look up at the ceiling as my encounter with the ghost last night plagues my mind, having spent most of the night trying to make sense of it, eventually had fallen asleep. I get out of bed and put on some leggings, a tank top, and a hoodie. After brushing my teeth, I grab my phone and running shoes before making my way towards the kitchen. I write a small note on a sticky note letting Rachel know I went out for a run and I stick it on the fridge. Quickly putting on my shoes, I then leave the house and break out into a jog. I jog around the town square and I see the shops begin to open as people begin to start their day.

Jogging was always a way to help me escape reality and the fact that I have control of my own body and life is what keeps me going. I make my own choices, I speak for myself , I am my own person. I am in control. A gust of wind brings me back to reality and I realize that I've jogged all the way to Wickery Bridge.

Smiling, I walk to the railing to catch my breath as I lean over a little to look at the golden leaves float on the water. So calming. My mind again wanders to last night, I'm unsure wether to tell Rachel or not. What is there to say? If I say anything about it, I might be called crazy again, not that it affects me anymore.

Sighing, I do a couple of stretches before I begin my jog back to town. Getting there in no time, I walk into the grill and place my order with Matt who gives me a weary look along with a polite smile.

"It's okay to talk to me Matt. I don't bite, much" I say jokingly as he gives me that goofy grin of his. "Sorry, I- I just wasn't sure what to say" he says chuckling and I roll my eyes playfully at him. "How about, good morning?" I suggest as he laughs. "Alright then, good morning Emilie. What can I get for you today?" He asks goofily and I laugh. "I'll take two vanilla lattes and two muffins" I say as he writes it down in his notepad. "What flavor?" He asks referring to the muffins. "Um blueberry and poppyseed" I answer as he raises an eyebrow. "I still can't believe you like poppyseeds" he says making me shrug. "They're good!" I argue as he crinkles his nose. "Same old Emilie. Hey, so Rebekah said you're coming to the dance tonight?" He asks and I sigh at the mention of the dance. "Yea, she's forcing me to go. And I have no choice but to go. Says I need a better social life and make more friends" I say annoyed as Matt chuckles. "I'm guessing you and the girls haven't made up?" Matt questions and I shake my head.

"What's up with them? Why are they trying so hard to be my friend again?" I ask Matt who sighs. "They just want to start over, Em, they all feel guilty after what happened. Especially Elena" Matt explains as I scoff lightly, " Hate to break it to you Matty, but none of them even had the decency to apologize to me, well, except for Bonnie. When I left. Bonnie was the only one who ever tried to get a hold of me and she said she was so sorry. Other than that, nothing" I say truthfully as Matt hands me my order and gives me a sympathetic look. "Don't feel guilty Matt. You were with Elena at the time and I know exactly the type of person she is. I'm just glad you got out when you did. You deserve someone way better" I say as he looks at me shocked but gives me a thankful smile. "Thanks Matty, I'll see you around" I say giving him a tip before walking out of the grill.

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