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Neville sat in a chair in the corner of the common room. People had been shocked to see the boy this year. His face has slimmed more than in the previous years. His grandmother was surprised. It was as if she had gone out one day and left the chubby faced boy working on his summer homework and came back to a young man that was starting to resemble his father.

But Neville only cared about one person noticing him, Harry Potter. Neville found himself glancing up from his potions essay to look at Harry and Ron playing wizards chess. Harry's black hair stuck up all over and his green eyes were sparkling with laughter as his knight smashed Ron's rook.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" A voice said from behind him. Neville jumped.

"W-what?" He stammered. Looking up he saw Hermione Granger. She sat down across from him and shook her head.

"Neville, you should tell him. At least that way it will be off your chest," Hermione was looking over his essay and scribbling things out and adding things in.

"Yes, so he can tell the whole school and laugh at me. Then gran finds out and I'm disgrace. Thanks Hermione but no," Neville twisted the cap back on his ink before taking his essay back from the girl. He turned and marched to the boys dormitory, not looking back.


Harry wasn't sure why he was suddenly noticing Neville more and more, but he was. He kept meeting Neville's gaze. Either he caught Neville watching him or vice versa.

Now, Harry had to rub a hand against his face to focus back on history of magic. But he saw the Boy glance at him. Harry's face went red as he to glanced at Neville. He gave Neville a small smile. Neville's eyes widened before looking away, face a beat red.

Oh look what you did? Harry thought to himself.

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