*PART 12*

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After Kimmy got there and was helping keep the place clean after Criss's many accidents and spills, and me constantly working with him, teaching him how to use his hands and ears instead of still trying to use his eyes to see, as soon as he got the knack of it, he was a very quick learner. and within only three months, he was going thru his house like he could see, and he never tripped or stumbled over anything...he used Xristos sometimes, but most of the time he used his blind-man's cane, that way if someone that was visiting got on his nerves he could whack them with it, and strangely even if they were deathly quiet he could hear their shallow breathing and know exactly where they were at...which was even better than I could do. He even snuck up on me a lot. And he was always getting his jollies by scaring the hell out of Kimmy while she was either doing the laundry or trying to cook...until she got tired of his pestering and ran him off with her cooking spoon.

His cane came in very handy especially when Klayton would come over, because just with Criss hollering at his silly ass never was good enough, so Criss would run him off by whacking him with his cane. Unless Klayton's girlfriend was with him, Rachel was Klayton's exact opposite, and she usually kept her Stoney under control and told him to stop irritating Criss, because she really wanted to stay and talk with me and Kim, because she didn't really have any girlfriends to hang out with beens she was new to the area.

But for the first few times of her visiting, she was a little insecure about what to say and what not to say to hurt my feelings, but I told her that I've been blind for so long that nothing she could say would bother me because I've heard it all before. Stoney kissed me on the cheek and said that most of the craziest shit I've heard came from him...because he was always picking on me when we were growing up...I kissed him back and said that his picking was always welcomed because I knew he was doing it with the most love and respect. Rachel smacked him and told him that he was one of her best friends growing up and he picked on her like that. Stoney said that she had to be good for something and it was natural for a loving older brother to pick on their cute lil sister. But he added very quickly that if he got too riled with me though, Criss would totally kick his ass, and tell him to leave. Because back then Crazy Crissy was overly protective of me.

Criss turned to face towards them and said he still was, then he looked down at Xristos and moved his hand out and touched my arm. Molly came running out the door and squealing like something was after her, Criss felt the water hose that was under his foot and knew Molly was heading right for it and spun out of the chair and reached out and caught her as she tripped on it, and pulled her up into his lap and asked her if she was ok. Molly looked up at him and put both of her hands on his face and giggled. Rachel and Stoney both were shocked to see that Criss actually was so in tuned with everything around him now, that he was seeing better and more quickly than they were and they could actually see with their eyes.

Kim came out and thanked Criss for catching her rugrat, that she was running away from her while she was getting her bath ready, so she could put her to bed for her late noon nap...Criss chuckled and said so that's why she was running away screeching like a banshee. After Kim grabbed her rugrat and took her kicking and screaming all the way up to the bathtub, my phone rang Xristos handed me my phone from my bag and I quickly said hello so it would answer...it was my eye doctor back home, I stood up and had Xristos take me to the house and told them all that I had to take this call, because it was important...Criss sat up in the chair and used his radar hearing to listen to what I was talking about from inside the house.

The doctor was mad at me for not coming in when I was supposed to, and have the bandages removed so I could start my eye drops every day until the bottles were gone, to see if the surgery was successful, I told him that an emergency came up that was more important to me than me trying to see for the first time. Criss used his cane and made it up behind me, and as soon as I got off the phone he wrapped his arms around me and said I gave up the chance to see just to help him get thru his stupid stage of rage and idiocy. I turned toward him and hugged him back and told him that I didn't give it up I just had it postponed, and if it didn't work it was really no loss to me. I touched his face, and pulled him down and kissed him lightly on the lips and told him that during my entire childhood he was always there for me as my guardian angel, and now it was my turn to be there when he needed me as his angel.

Kim came down the stairs after she put her rugrat to sleep, and saw Criss kissing me...she very slowly walked around and went out the side door and quickly tapped Klayton and Rachel then pointed to us both while snickering. Rachel gave Klayton a tighter squeeze and said that was so adorable, and that we looked very good together. Stoney kissed on Rachel's neck and said they were always that good together even when we were all kids, Criss always had a steaming crush on me, but he just never told me, because he was too embarrassed to tell me. Kim looked at Stoney and said Crisstopher was embarrassed to tell me that he had the hots for me. Klayton shrugged and said that's the only reason he could think of.

Criss moved back a little bit and asked me when I had to go back to get the treatments started on my eyes...I told him that the doctor wanted back there yesterday. He pulled me into him and said well we would just have to go on a little trip to Long Island together. Then he added that maybe the ole doctor could do the same thing for his eyes, and get them back to being functional again so he could get his job back because he was really losing his mind by doing nothing...and that little bastard that was trying to replace him was a real fucking joke. I playfully smacked him and told him to stop before it started, he gave a cheesy grin and said ok.

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