*PART 15*

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Once we boarded the flight I was again a nervous wreck, oh how I hated plane rides. Criss held me very close to him and talked to me thru most of the flight when that didn't work he placed both of his hands on each side of my head and told me to close my eyes and think of nothing but his voice...the next thing I knew we were landing at the ariport in New York, I was awake but very off balance, Criss and Kim helped me off the plane with Xristos right by our side with Molly riding on his back. 

Criss was walking beside me holding my hand when Criss abruptly stopped and said he remembered this place Kim looked around and said he remembered a sidewalk, Criss chuckled and said no, he remembered the ice cream shop that used to be right here, where he used to bring me every day to get the ice cream soda. Kim looked around him and sure enough, the abandoned ice cream building was right there. Criss held onto my hand a little bit tighter and said those were the happiest times of his life. Kim grabbed Molly and asked Criss how he knew where he was. He gave a slight smirk and said he could see it. 

Kim was about to say something to him when she glanced around him and saw Molly's dad walking in their direction, she quickly turned around and told us both that she needed to leave before he saw her, I touched her and asked her who she saw, she moved closer to me and said her husband that she separated from because she wasn't happy with him anymore, and she knew he was cheating on her...and she didn't want nothing to do with him, or him having anything to do with his daughter. 

But as soon as she tried to leave, Paul walked over to us and asked when she got back to town, she frowned at him and said neither she or Molly was staying long, that she just came with me for my eye appointment, then they were going back to Vegas with us. Paul looked at Criss and moved around him and said how perfect it was that I finally found a man that qualified to go out with me...then gave a snicker and said a blind man would be the only type of person that would want anything to do with me. Criss spun around and whacked the shit out of him with his cane and sarcastically apologized for doing that...he really didn't mean to. as soon as Paul got up Criss hit him again, then pulled him up and said that one was on purpose, then he took his sunglasses off and used his new gift to locate where Paul's eyes were and stared right into his and told him he would beat the fuck out of him if he didn't apologize to me right now.

Whatever Criss did, Kim noticed it scared the hell out of Paul and as soon as Criss let him go he ran off quicker than shit while apologizing as he turned the corner, Criss put his shades back on and said he didn't have to put up with that shit...Kim was laughing her ass off the entire time and said Criss could use his strangeness in such wonderful ways...then he grabbed my hand as I grabbed Xristos's handicap bar and we all walked toward my house, because Kim said it was late, and my doctor was probably closed until morning. Which was in my favor because even though Criss hypnotized me, I was extremely worn out from it, and just wanted to make it to my bed and sleep it off. Criss however, had a little something different in mind, I argued the matter with him for a couple hours but I lost. But his complete sweetness was more than enough to make up for it.

Only this time, it was a little bit more interesting beens Criss was using his newly evolved ability for his advantage...when he decided he was done, he flipped us both over and held tightly onto me and after he told me he was crazily in love with me...he touched my face with his hands and moments later he choked a little bit as he asked me if I would marry him. I was so lost in what he was asking that I literally couldn't respond to him, I just held him close to me and kept rubbing his arm and shoulder and asked him insecurely if he was thinking clearly because I thought him asking that was a little bit sudden.

He snickered a little bit and said what was with timing, that suddenness was a good thing, then he added that there was nothing to be insecure about. We both have known each other most of our lives, and he added playfully that it was about time we made a drastic advancement in our relationship, then he said he wanted to get married to me, while we were in New York...as a surprise for his family. I gave a little sigh and told him I would think about it...Criss rolled over and gave a silly moan as he told me I was killing him over here. I gave him a little kiss on his hand and told him that a maybe and think on it was a lot more positive than a solid hell no. He moved up on his arms and moved my hair out of my face, and said he knew what he wanted and needed, and I filled both of them.

Kim knocked on the bedroom door and said that my phone was going off so she answered it, and said that the doctor wanted me to get there asap. Criss jumped up and quickly got dressed, and said telling him yes would only make things better for both of us...as he slapped my ass as I was putting my shirt on. I told him I was still on the thinking about it mood, he poked his head around the door and said but he's already seen it in advance...that we were going to get married here in New York then we were going to get on a plane to the Bahamas for the honeymoon, Kim looked at both of us and decided she didn't want to know what we were talking about, as she told Molly to get dressed so we could take me to my eye appointment.

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