Telling Lyon

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What the Hell am I gonna do runs through my head. I know I am going to keep the baby no matter what but what if he doesn't want anything to do with the child or me. He hasn't even gotten back to me about me telling me either he still likes me or not.

What if he hates me and our baby? How was I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant? Gray is gonna kill me.

I say good-bye. I go out to the main room. Some one tries to trip but I avoid them. I go over to Mira. I should probably go to his guild and tell him. "Can you tell me where Lamia scale is located?", I ask. "Going to see Lyon?", She teases me. "Yes it's really important.", I tell her stretching a hand over my stomach thinking about the little life inside. Mira notices and squels. "I'm gonna be an Aunt.", She whispers with hearts in her eyes.

"Please don't tell my brother I want to be able to tell Lyon first so he has warning to run. Also I want his reaction.", I tell her. She nods energetically. "Lamia scale is located in clover town.", she tells me.

"Thanks.", I say and leave.

I go home pack three days worth of stuff I'm about to leave when I remember my brother. I know if I just leave he will try and come after me. So I write him a note.

Dear Gray,

I had to go talk to Lyon I will be back in three days. I can't explain everything now but I will when I get back. So please don't worry.

Love, Lucy

That otta keep him from storming Lamia Scale. I leave my house and head to the train station. When I get there I buy a ticket for Clover Town.

Here goes nothing. I step on to the train.

3 hours later

I get off the train and don't see anything even resembling a guild hall. So I look around for the ticket booth. When I spot it I go over. "Hi can you tell me where Lamia Scale is?", I ask the woman behind the counter. "Sure hon. Just go 1/2 mile down the street take a left then go for another 1/2 mile it's the only building there.", the lady tells me smiling. "Thanks goodbye.", I say to her then leave.

I go to where she tells me. There guild is huge. I hesitate. "Lucy!!!", I hear a woman say behind me. Before I can turn I'm tackled by a female with pink hair. I see that it's Cheria, Ren's girlfriend. We had become good friends after Oracion Seis. " Please tell me your here to see Lyon. He has been moping and mumbling your name since we left your guild.", She begs pouting.

I smile at her. "Yes I have something important to tell him. Is he here?", I tell her nervously. She gets off me and helps me stand. "You bet. Come on.", She says then leads me inside.

When we get inside I see there are even more people here then in our guild. A few people call out to Cheria asking if I was a new member. "No. She's a friend of mine and Lyon's from fairytail. Her names Lucy.", She tells them putting her arm around me.

"So she's who Lyon has been obsessing over. I can certainly see why.", A young pink haired girl says. "Hi I'm Charlie.", She says holding out her hand. I take her hand. "Lucy. Where is Lyon I really need to talk to him?", I ask with out thinking putting my hand on my stomach. She gives me a confused look. "He is over there in the corner.", She tells me pointing. I see Lyon bent over mumbling.

"Excuse me.", I tell Charlie and Cheria. I head over to Lyon. I hear him mumbling "Lucy I miss you." It makes me blush. I gather my courage and tap his shoulder. He looks up. "Please tell me you didn't hear that.", He says to me blushing. "Ohh. Only every word.", I say to him blushing.

"Well I guess you know my answer.", He says looking down. I see pretty much everyone in his guild is watching us. I want to talk with him somewhere more private. "Can we go somewhere more private?", I ask him nervous. He looks down probably thinking I'm gonna reject him. "Sure we can go to the infirmary.", He says. He leads to the infirmary. It reminds of why I'm here in first place.

"You might want to sit down I tell him.", I tell him. He sits on a cot and gives me a confused look. I sit opposite him. Here goes. "You know your only person I've slept with right?", I ask him. He nods looking down. "I'm sorry I took something so precious from you.", He tells. "It's okay.", I tell him. He looks so dejected. "After you left I got sick.", He looks worried when I say this. "So went to see Wendy She told me I was pregnant.", I tell him fearing his answer. His head jolts up.

He stares at me wide eyed. "Is this really happening?", He asks me. This makes me sad he doesn't want our baby. "I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll just raise the kid on my own.", I tell him. Before I can leave he grabs me. "I love you. I want to raise our child together. The reason I said that is because this is a dream come true.", He tells me. He leans in and then he kisses me it is a loving passionate kiss that lasts 3 minutes.

He starts stroking my stomach. While smiling. He leans down a kisses my for now flat stomach.

Lucy and Lyon have a babyWhere stories live. Discover now