Bruised Easily.

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"I'm so sorry." Alec says, his guilty eyes filled with tears. He steps towards me.

"Don't." My voice is barely above a whisper.

"Please, Dani." He begs, pulling me to him. I try to move away from him, But his grip on my hips is too tight. Alec slowly leans in, Our lips meeting.
"I promise I won't do it again."

I pull away from him.
"I wish you were telling the truth." I feel myself hit the wall behind me.

"Why do you act like this?!" He raises his voice, and my heart starts racing.
"I'm trying to apologize to you!" I flinch as Alec slams his hands onto the wall above me.

Alec starts breathing heavily, and I close my eyes. I don't want to see him hit me this time.

• • •

"What happened to your cheek?"
"Why do you have so many bruises?"
"Did he hurt you?"
"Is everything okay?"
"Do you bruise easily?"

So many questions, and I always give the same answer.
"I'm fine. It's nothing,really."
I'm never fine. Alec abuses me. Physically, and mentally. I've tried to get help, nobody listens. Alec has told them I have nightmares about him hitting me, and the bruises are from my own self-harm. That I can't "Tell the difference between nightmares and reality." Alec tells everyone I'm delusional, and that he's taking care of me.
They believe it. Everyone. I haven't been into town in a few months because of it. Everyone gives me strange looks, Or pitiful to be more accurate. They don't know the truth. Nobody does. I've tried to run, I never make it very far. Alec is always one step ahead of me. He loves me...too much. I use to love him. The first time he hit me, that changed. I knew I should've left while I could.

"Please, Don't!" I scream, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Alec cocks the pistol, "I'm sorry Dani, You don't love me. I can't stand to look at you anymore."

"Just let me go." I whisper, my heart pounding hard in my chest. Alec lowers the gun, his eyes locking with mine. He takes a deep breath, grabbing my wrist, pulling me to him. A relived sigh escapes my lips, and as it does Alec crashes his lips into mine.

He pulls away for a minute, I can feel his hot breath on my lips, "We both know I could never let you go." Alec says, his cold eyes staring into mine. Then He pulls the trigger.

"Dani! Dani! Danielle!?"

I'm woken up by my own scream. My body is drenched in sweat. I breathe heavily, my heart still racing.


I scream again, my eyes meeting Alec's. I gulp, my heart dropping.

"S-sorry." My voice is shaking.

"You were dreaming about me, weren't you?" Alec asks, shamefully. "You were crying..and screaming my name."

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