Implementing the Evil Plan

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After the last period.

In the hallway, I saw a bunch of students that circling around something. They were laughing, I gulped as I dragged Summer towards them.

Then I saw Nick was sitting at the center with full of dust and he was drenched. Taeyeon was standing in front of him also laughing while holding an empty bottle.

I fumed at the scene, impulsively, I shoved some students and entered the circle. They all looked at me in silence.

I tried my best to calm myself then looked at Taeyeon.

"We need to talk," she shook her head and smirked.

"What?" She asked.

She's really pissing me off so I held her wrist tightly, "Come with me."

"Why?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

I groaned and pulled her, she let me so I took the chance to drag her outside. I glanced back at Nick and he looked shocked. I gave him apologetic look then left.

I will do this, I will make Taeyeon pay for what she did to you Nick. I promise.

At the school ground under a huge tree, Taeyeon sat on the grass but I just kept standing. Awkwardly, I didn't say anything.

There was silence for a moment  then I decided to break it by a question "Why you always do that?" 

"Huh?" She looked at me innocently. 

She's really ugh... Something!

"You always hurt Nick and bully him." 

"Because I don't like him, he's just pretending to be weak to get your attention, or everybody's attention. He wants sympathy, I can smell him so badly," she gritted her teeth.

Judgemental, I thought.

"You don't know him, you're just new here," Calm down, just calm down Tiffany.

Taeyeon smirked "And you don't know me."

I turned to face her and I was stunned she was right beside me standing and looking into my eyes. How did she get here so quick? I thought she was sitting on the grass.

But with those brown eyes hypnotized me, those were familiar but how? 

I feel like I already know her.

"You dragged me here because of him, right?" She asked impatiently.

I need to cover it up!

I cleared my throat "No, not really," I said trying hard to look at her in the eyes.

Lie. I need to do this.

Taeyeon raised her eyebrows "Oh really? But why?"

"I made up my mind..." My heart was pounding crazily as it would gonna jump out of my chest.

"What is it? Well, I don't understand you Tif-pany." She slightly frowned.

This was the only way I could stop her.

Breathe. Don't forget to breathe Tiffany. You can do this for Nick.

"I have no time for this Tif-" I cut her off as I grabbed her face and pecked her on lips. Just a peck but it took long, long enough to feel her soft pink muscles.

What is this?

This was so familiar, weird, but how? I couldn't explain my emotions.

I suddenly felt warm around my waist, Taeyeon hugged me as she pulled me closer to her.

I broke the kiss immediately and lower my head. I know, my face flushed crimson red.

Taeyeon chuckled "You're so cute when you're blushing." She tucked the hair on my face behind my ear then she gingerly stroked my cheek. 

I didn't dare to breathe this time.

"You're so beautiful Tif-pany."

She wrapped her arms around me as she put her chin on my shoulder while petting my hair on my back.

I like her scent and her warmth, I feel comfortable with this.

But I need to focus on my plan "Let's try it Taeyeon."

She quickly pulled back to look at me then she smiled widely "You mean, we're dating now?" She excitedly yipped.

I giggled at her response and nodded "And I'm your girlfriend now Taeyeon."

Taeyeon hugged me again "You don't know how much it means to me Pany ah."


"To make it easy and short, from now on, I will call you that like a pet name." She was hugging me tightly and it was really... great.

"Okay, Tae... I will call you Tae, to make it easy and short." I told her. I felt her head moved up and down twice, she nodded.

"Thank you Pany." I felt something in my stomach dropped.

Then I squeezed my eyes shut.

Let the game begin.


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