E ffervescence

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This is dedicated to the light of our lives, not our lovers, but our friends who've helped us through heartbreak, through pain, through everything and helped us see the glow in us.

NehaKate, I'm so sorryyy I haven't talked to you in ages, but I'll try! :)

You can say it was like bubbles in the vast ocean.

Locked in, trapped,

Yet beautifully eloquent but -


Aimlessly floating, amongst the foggy chaos - 

It got darker you see,

My little bubble as it grew,

As it sank in the sea.

But You though, pure effervescence in sight.

Shone through and through,

Cleaned my thousand old mess.

O Heavens above let me float up above.

Lend me your hand.

Let me be the effervescence

Of your life.

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