{ S E V E N T E E N }

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'I hope everyone at home's okay, I miss them... Not enough to go back, but still'
'Same, but Mat's probably gone and blabbed to the Sidemen that we're missing, I doubt anybody else has actually noticed yet'
'It's weird, it's like I want to go back, but I want to stay here'
'No offense to you guys, but I'd rather stay here. It's just so interesting, and I've actually grown to like the hybrids a lot - They're nothing like people say they are'

The three boys let out joint sighs, the youngest of the trio directing his honey-coloured orbs to the caves, where they had first emerged from. The weather from the night before had finally calmed down, but he still had a feeling that something was... Off. He shook his head to try and dispel his rambling thoughts and smiled at the scenery below "We have to go home some time, I guess... Nah, I'll just end upcoming back here. After what the guys have done, I've got to repay them somehow"

Vik, Kenny and Mitch were currently walking aimlessly around the forest that surrounded Choco's house. The golden bird hybrid had given them the job of finding strawberries and blueberries, for a reason that he refused to explain, but the small group of friends accepted their task anyway. 'It's not like I wouldn't do it or anything, but I'm trying to plan something for some friends' He'd said, before Kenny had laughed and shaken his head 'Hey, if you need them, we'll go get them'

The blond had then proceeded to yell all around Choco's house system to try and find his friends, who were actually in the far corner of the Kitchen - The same room Kenny and Choco had been in - Absolutely laughing their heads off as the golden bird stifled his own giggles.

'Found some!' Mitch cheered, plucking some from a bush and carefully placing them into the satchel that their bird-like friend had provided them with before slowly pulling them out and pulling a face 'Nevermind... This are bird berries'

'Well done, Mitchell Ralph Hughes - Hey, did anybody hear that?' Vik asked into the otherwise silent woods, looking around before narrowing his eyes in the direction they'd just come from, 'I think... Is that cannon fire?'

'I don't hear anything, Vik, maybe you're imagining things'

'No, I just - There it is again!' The mocha-skinned boy turned from cheerful to on-edge in the space of two seconds, slowly reaching for the small weapon concealed inside his black jacket - A small, red-and-blue dagger that he'd found while running out of the caves before a scream echoed through the forest.

Kenny's eyes widened in fear, and he started in the direction of the cry as yells and threats filled his ears. He ran faster, sliding to a halt as he breached the bushes surrounding Choco's treehouse as his eyes began to water. It's rough, dry bark had been set on fire, already covering half of the tree as he saw Choco shakily flying down to the ground 'Choco! What the Nether's happened, are you okay?!'

'Some-Someone set my house on fire... They're in the village, about three hundred of them - Th-They're attacking everyone!' Rushing towards the hybrid as he touched the ground, Kenny caught the bird before his legs could collapse as he held his newfound friend upright 'Get to safety, go to the caves or find one of the guys and tell them what's going on; I'm going to try and figure out what's happening'

'Y-You'll be killed!'

'Somebody's attacking this place, and you expect me to do nothing? You're wrong - Nobody's going to attack this place without having karma swoop right back around for them' Giving Choco a gentle hug, he suddenly realized that he may never see the sweet hybrid again, and his eyes slowly began to fill with tears 'Choco, whoever's done this is going to pay, I promise' And with that, he ran.

The blond could hear the whistling of catapults as he approached the main village, his gaze being filled with fire as Orespawns and Hybrids worked together against... Humans. What was worse? He recognized one of the fallen humans as somebody from his village, making his eyes widen as he frantically looked around. The battle was raging around him, and he saw a huge white-and-gold dragon flying through the air and shooting a mixture of fire and iceballs at it's opponents "That must be Lachlan's Dad... I need to find the others, and make sure they're alright!"

The Glitched War (The Pack)Where stories live. Discover now