Pete And George

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Every day in the evening Pete is at the park with his white German shepherd Koi. Every day in the evening George is at the park with his dachshund Gunther. Every day in the evening these two boys meet each other at the park. They don’t go to the same school and also haven’t met each other anywhere else yet. All in all those young men aren’t friends. They are just two people who see each other almost every day and chat.
Today is Saturday which means George is going to be here 30 minutes later than usual. Of course, Pete waits for him because George always waits for him on Wednesdays. That’s what they do.
Finally, George does come. He smiles when he sees Pete sitting on a bench under a tree and sits down next to him. Without hesitation Gunther gets released off his leash so the two dogs can enjoy their time together as always. Gunther and Koi are best friends even though they are so different in size.
“Have you heard of this man that was shot?” George asks all of a sudden.
“Yah. Pretty sick if you ask me,” Pete huffs. He kicks a small stone with his foot which reinforces his anger.
After a moment of silence Pete adds, “I mean it could happen to all of us. Even right now.” His voice sounds a little bit off to George as if it wasn’t what Pete was thinking.
He turns his head to face Pete, looks at him questioningly. “That’s what you are thinking?” the tall boy sounds mad.
“No, but that is what everybody else is saying.” Pete changes his tone so he sounds like he is making fun of the people who said it- ”It could happen to all of us.”
George only nods in agreement, not knowing what else to add. And that is all they talk about on this cloudy Saturday. The two boys just continue sitting there in silence next to each other, watching over their dogs as they play. But eventually, Pete gets up.
A whistle echoes through the air that indicates Pete’s dog Koi to come. It doesn’t take him long to do so.
“Well, see ya,” Pete waves a goodbye with his hand.
“Yup, till tomorrow,”George answers and smiles.
The shorter boy of them walks away. He doesn’t turn around to give George another smile. However, George doesn’t notice anyway, he is too busy playing with his little dog Gunther.
When the sun sets it is also time for the blonde one to make his way back home. So he leaves the park, holding Gunther on a short leash.

Without the two boys chatting the parks seems silently alone. As if time was standing still when they aren't here; even though other people are here to take their dogs out or just for a stroll through nature. Anyway, it's crystal clear to see them again on the next day; that's when the trees are whispering secrets and the flowers are showing their vulnerable beauty.
The next day passes quickly which means the sun sets slowly and soon the boys make their journeys to their meeting spot.
"Hey," Pete greets the tall one.
A smile appears on George's lips; he never hides when he's in a good mood. It doesn't take him long to answer: "Hello."
The dogs get released from their leashes and in a second they are out of sight.
"You like Marvel?" George notices Pete's shirt which has a huge print on it. It says 'Marvel' in font which can hardly be missed and is colored in red.
"Yup," Pete smiles. It doesn't happen very often that someone seems to care what he's wearing or even what it means when he wears certain stuff. "What about you?"
"I love Marvel! I've seen all the movies and also own a few comics," this sudden enthusiasm surprises both George and Pete when George says it.
The brown-haired boy asks George which superhero his favorite is but he sighs when the answer is 'Captain America'.
George tries to raise an eyebrow but fails immensely - it just never works for him! "What's wrong with that?" he asks and tries to look confused which doesn't work out.
"Why do you like him?" Pete can't hide his annoyance.
"Well... he's a cool guy and he doesn't need any magic to save... whoever needs help!" now the blond one gets angry too.
"I bet you like him for his looks like everyone does," Pete mumbles but George can hear his words very clearly.
He looks at Pete like he's crazy. "He's a guy," George whispers not able to turn up the volume of his voice.
And that's the point when it gets awkward. Both their faces burn in embarrassment. To break the silence George dares to ask which one Pete's favorite superhero is.
The short one chuckles; then answers: "Moviewise it has to be Black Widow. Her 'I don't give a fuck' attitude is hilarious and kind of a twist to those basic ass love peace and harmony shit they try to sell us. But out of the whole Marvel universe which means including the comics it is Wiccan."
"Who's that?"
"He's one of those younger superheroes; only 16 of age. He has the same ability as Scarlett Witch - you know, one of the twins. I kinda see myself in him," the smile on Pete's lips is barely noticeable.
"Sounds lit," is all that George answers.
Nothing more gets talked about but at least there isn't an awkward silence between them. All you can hear is dogs barking far away and tree crowns shaking because of the sudden wind.
Pete's hair gets everywhere; he constantly has to move it so it doesn't block his view. George, on the contrary, has no problem at all of that sort. He uses enough hair products so his hair style stays the way it is. However, Pete's hair is a bit longer which means it's harder to tame.
Minutes pass while Pete fixes his hair every ten seconds and George observes the dogs. Nothing awkward but also nothing special; just two people standing in a park.
"Imma go home," says the brown-haired one. He whistles like he always does when he orders Koi to come.
"See ya tomorrow," George's voice sounds kind of sad but the shorter boy doesn't notice because he doesn't know George enough to realize.
And soon he's gone which means the blond one is also going to leave in a bit. Not only because he has nobody to chat with but also because Gunther doesn't enjoy being in the park without his big German shepherd friend. 
So he leaves the park as well which means it all goes back to silence. The moon rises while the sun sets. Darkness is all that's left.
The sudden wind becomes a heavy storm - almost a hurricane. Flowers get ripped out by it and huge branches fall from trees. The whole park looks devastated in the morning.

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