The New World-Capture 2

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      They landed on the land and the man let Gekko out of the cage. But he tied her hands up behind her back. As they all began to walk to the sheriffs office. While the day turned into night we arrived to the office. "Um, Anna and I are here to show you the child that diapered years, years ago." The man told the police officers. Gekko looked down as the police look at her. "So wheres my award?!" The man shouted. "You don't get one. She diapered a very long time ago. There was no award for her to begin with..because no one she was close to made her one." One officer told the man. "Then what am I suppose to do with her than!"He was not happy. "I don't know" they said then went back to work. The man grabbed her arm and took her out to the dark ally way. She got scared as the man pulled out a gun. "Anna keep watch, and as for you..don't take this personal or anything. I'm gunna end you like I did with those pandas!" The man laughed as he frowned at Gekko. She got really scared as the man hold her down to the wall with the gun to her head. Anna looked at us and had a wild smirk on her face "Daddy why don't you just kill her already!" She shouted. The man pointed the gun at her daughter as he hold Gekko to the wall. "Shut up and keep watch!" The man yelled back as Anna turned back around keeping watched. The man looked at Anna as Gekko tried to break free. Then she did what she can only do right now. So she bit the man hard then kicked him between the legs. She began to run for her life. "Anna! Get her!" The man shouted as he chased Gekko. Just then Gekko jumped kicked Anna in the face and kept running. The man was furious as he grabbed a hold of Gekko. He pinned her to the ground. As he's on top of her he put the gun to her head. Gekko was really scared and she closed her eyes tightly. Next anyone knew a gunshot went off.

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