It's me-Capture 5

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      Gekko was heart broke that her 2nd family was now gone, even if it was outta force she still cared about them. She looked at her new mark on my left shoulder and she felt really upset. "Well it looks like we have to get you started on your training, kid." Ray told me with a smirk while she holds my arm. Gekko sighed, she didn't want to do any of this while Carl hands her a dagger. Ray smirked as she drags Gekko to Carl's tent. There was a young girl and boy a little younger than Gekko, tied up in chairs facing each other, they also had duck-tape across there mouths. They have tear stained on there cheeks. "I'll show you what to do" Ray and Carl smirked. So then Ray went over to the little boy as Carl holds Gekko. Then Ray holds the boys head up as she cuts his neck slowly. The girl child screams and cry's as she watch her brother bleed to death. Then Ray faced Gekko while the young boy bleed to death. "Your turn" she demanded. But Gekko refused, she didn't like killing what so ever. Even when she was with David and Bella they didn't make her do any of this. "Yes your gunna do it!" Carl shouted while throwing her to the young girl. She was crying hard while Gekko was shaking. She shake her head no, not wanting to do any of this. "If u don't WE will" They shouted while the young child cried harder. Gekko looked at the boy and sighed. She felt really bad but she didn't was the child to suffer this life anymore. So Gekko closed her eyes then breathed slowly and as soon as she let out her breath Gekko quickly slit the childs throat killing her instantly. She never forgave herself. "Remember kid, there deaths are on your hands" They laughed as Gekko suddenly stabbed them. Then she dropped the knife and all she said finally after everything was.."It's Me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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