Chapter 5||Castle On The Hill

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Before I go on I just wanted to inform you all about how this book will go...

1.There will be no cussing (although it may seem they're about to do so in some cases)

2. I will try to update as much as I can possibly do because I do have school work.

3. Every chapter will contain a song that I will have the link to but I do not own any of the songs nor I do the characters. They are Trolls from the DreamWorks movie as humans.

Anyways, that's all for now so on with the chapter☺️


Branch took a step into school and immediately realized its chaos. People couldn't stay still for 10 seconds! Everyone was going somewhere. They were always in a hurry. Like Branch had something important. In his dreams.

This wasn't Branch's cup of tea. He liked taking things slow but, sadly, this is what he got and he'd have to make it work. Getting settled in his new class, he recognized a familiar face. Just his luck. A girl with pink hair put up in a pony tail and bangs flowed down from her head and grazed her cheek. Poppy. He was glad but not overjoyed about her presence. Branch knew he'd never get a moment's peace.

"Alright class," the teacher the students referred to as Ms.Rose informed, "when we get off the bus, you will need to pick a partner and follow our group. No one gets left behind!" After her words, the pink-haired girl turned around and spotted him. She flashed him a smile that was so big, he thought it could cover her entire face. "Alright! Let's go!"

The class filled the bus's seats quicker than you could blink. Poppy stood up with her eyes searching for Branch when Ms.Rose approached her. "Everything okay, my dear?" "Y-Yeah! Just...looking for someone—" she replied but she soon cut herself off when her eyes found him. "Never mind!"

The girl rushed down the bus's tight row until she felt a hand grasp her arm and pull her backwards. "Pops! There you are!" Poppy's head turned to meet eyes with Creek. "Creek! Um, I was just—" she said trying to break free of his grip only to be pulled with more force. "Come sit with me! I saved you a seat," he pleaded. Poppy but her lip. "U-Uh sure..." her voice trailed off taking another glance at Branch before sitting down.

She folded her arms and rested her back against the seat. The constant chatter from her fellow classmates rung in her ears. Her posture didn't matter in any state of her mind in the moment she was in. 'Poor Branch,' she thought before a silhouette of yesterday reached her mind and made her scowl. "Why weren't you at lunch yesterday?" she asked coming off slightly annoyed. Creek's brows rose. He forgot. Now he needed a well-thought excuse. Something he didn't have. "I just got busy! You know things come up. Please..." he paused putting her hand in his. Poppy pulled it away. "I'll think about it," she said sounding like her mind was on something far away and faded. If not for his absence, she wouldn't have met Branch. Branch. Her frown deepened. The two sat silent the rest of the way until they reached the heart of the city.

Jumping out of her seat, she exited the bus and began her search once again for Branch. When caught in her line of sight, she tackled him in a hug making him stumbled over his own two feet. "Branch!!!" she shouted just as he started to become loose from her grip. Once he was free, Poppy expressed her excitement through the gigantic smile plastered on her face. "Uh...nice to see you too?" he answered with confusion in his voice and the feeling of being nervous. "I'm so happy you're here! I'm—" "Wait! Wait," he interrupted, "I didn't pay to be here...and if I didn't then who the heck did?" That's when Poppy's smile grew. He didn't even know it could. "I did!" she replied with all her enthusiasm. "You can't thank me later—now come on!"

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