The Dying Dream

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I was riding in the car and I saw this city in the clouds. I didn't know what it ment. the next thing I knew a semi was right in front of me. That's how the dream began.


Chapter 1

I woke up this morning and something felt different. I got dressed and went upstairs to have breakfast surprisingly my mom hadn't made me breakfast yet. Even more surprising I wasn't hungry and she only made my brother breakfast. So I went without breakfast, so I went outside to wait for my boyfriend to come pick me up. He drove right past my house. 

So I waited for the bus to come, my brother got on, but the doors shut in my face. So I had to walk to school when I got there my teacher didn't even notice I was gone. The whole day nobody said a word to me. The teachers didn't even notice me in the back of the room where I hid. That was fine with me I didn't want to be seen, but my day got weirder and weirder. I had walk home again because of the fricken bus. When I got home there was a bunch of cars in my drive way. My first thought was Oh No Who died!? I thought it was my brother who died but then I saw my brother walk in the room. Maybe it was my grandparents I don't know. I decided to drive my dad's car. when I got out there there wasn't one that can't be right my dad is  home. I walked back inside to ask him about it and saw a picture of me on the wall, and people gathered around it. 

And that's when I figured out that I was dead.

For the next cupl of days I whated for sumthing to happen like a giarden angle to come and help. No  sutch luck. I evenchuly gave up!!  my room is gone so I sit under th stairs on the bottom floor so knowone finds me. BEING DEAD SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont have know one to talk to and I miss my friends and the great times we had, I miss my boy fiend and his worm leather jacket, I even miss school nd its teachers that egnor my every move. I wish I was alive agian I said that last part out loud and there was a flash of light and then I blacked out.

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