Chapter 6: Afternoon at the Parlour

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I dashed off into the crowd forming in front of the school. Honestly, I felt a little guilty about ditching Len, but I just couldn't refuse Miki's offer. It's just one afternoon, right? I'm sure he isn't too mad...

After, getting thrown around by the mob of people rushing out, I finally found Miki.

"Hey, Miki! Let's get going!" I shouted waving my hand in the air so I was visible.

"Okay, Ollie!" she replied, grinning adorably with her eyes closed.

"Hey, I told you to stop calling me that!" I joked, and Miki only giggled in response.

We sauntered to the nearby ice cream parlour. As we were walking, I felt warmth encircle my wrist. I looked down to see what it was, and I realized that Miki was holding my hand. I blushed slightly. Once she caught me looking down, she removed her hand from my wrist.

"S-sorry!" she said, her face a deep crimson.

I only nodded in response.

We arrived at the ice cream parlour, and I opened the door for the pink-haired girl who was accompanying me. The bells quietly jingled on the door.

"Thank you, Oliver! You're such a gentleman!" she said as she walked in.

I followed behind her. As we strolled in, the man at the counter greeted us.

"Hello! Thank you for coming to Marble Slab! When you're ready to order, just tell me."

"You're welcome, sir!" I replied.

Miki and I stared at the list of flavors plastered on the glass covering the various buckets of ice cream. Each flavor looked so delicious! The parlour was nearly empty, so we didn't have to worry about holding up any lines.

Hmmm... Chocolate? Vanilla? Strawberry? Italian Cream Cake? Cookie Dough? Damn it, this is a hard choice...

We kept reading through the flavors in silence until Miki decided to converse with me.

"What are you getting, Oliver?"

"Um, I think I'm going to get chocolate with Oreos in it. What are you getting?"

"I'm gonna get strawberry with rainbow sprinkles!" she said beaming.

Isn't she awfully cheery today?

"Okay. I'll order for the two of us."


I ordered for both of us. The man at the counter swiftly scooped up our desired flavors and covered them in the delicious toppings stored below the counter. He then handed our cups to us.

"That'll be $10.86," he said to us.

Miki pulled out her wallet, but I quickly stopped her.

"I'll pay for it, Miki," I said, pulling $11 out of my wallet.

"Keep the change."

I handed the man the cash I was holding.

"Thank you, sir! Enjoy your ice cream!"

I nodded back to him. 

"Aww, you're so sweet, Oliver," Miki murmured in my ear.

"Thanks!" I responded.

We looked all around the small shop. The tables, booths, and chairs were bright pink and yellow, making the parlour seem quite whimsical.

"Hey, let's sit over there, Oliver!" she shouted pointing to one of the booths.


Miki and I sat down right next to each other in a booth in the corner of the shop, and we began shoving ice cream into our mouths.

"So... delicious!" I mumbled with a mouth full of ice cream.

"Agreed!" Miki replied.

We chatted about school and many other things for about an hour after finishing our ice cream. People came in and out of the shop, but there weren't more than five, including ourselves, in the shop at any given time. When I realized what time it was, I panicked a bit.

"Hey, Miki. I need to head home. Thank you for inviting me! I'll see you tomorrow!"

I was about to turn around and dash off, but Miki then began to speak.

"Wait, Oliver. Can you stay for just five more minutes? I have something important to tell you," she begged.

I glanced at my watch.

"Um, sure, but no longer than that."

"YAY!" she screeched, and she, wait.... she hugged me?!


I was shocked by the sudden gesture. She quickly let go of me and opened her mouth to speak.

"Oliver. Well, um, you see. I-I've been wanting to tell you..."

She trailed off a second, gulped, and then picked back up where she left off.

"I-I really like you, Oliver!"

She turned her head away and blushed deeply.


"Y-yes, Oliver!"

She paused a second, causing there to be a short silence.

"I was wondering, would you mind being my b-b-boyfriend?"

A small noise escaped my mouth out of shock. I was utterly surprised to hear this from her. I never knew she liked me. I sat in silence, pondering whether I should tell her "yes" or "no". She is really cute and sweet, but I'm not exactly sure if I like her in that way. Maybe it could work out, though. I really don't want to hurt her feelings, so I'll say...

"Y-yes, Miki!"

"Thank you so much, Oliver!" she said, her face lighting up with joy.

"You're wel-"

I was cut off by the feeling of a pair of lips on mine. She was... kissing me now?! I hesitated a second, but then I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back. After about a minute, she backed away to regain her breath.

"Once again, thank you, Ollie!"

She smiled and then stood up. I grinned back at her. I checked my watch again.

"You're very welcome, but I'm afraid I have to leave now. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Ollie!"

I got up on my feet and ambled out of the parlour.

Little did I know that a certain blonde-haired boy witnessed the entire scene with Miki and I.


Wow, I wrote two chapters in one day. Here's a decently long chapter for you all. (You may or may not hate me for this chapter. XD) I hope you enjoyed reading this!


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