Arthur was alone.

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         it didn't help him to think that it was the day before Christmas, either. He walked out through the bitter morning and got his mail. Christmas cards and a few bills... He clutched them close to his chest and imagined he wasn't all alone for Christmas... he walked back to his house and into the warmth.

      The fire warming his bones and making him feel a little better. He sat as his kitchen table and grabbed the first envelope. A card from Alfred and Matthew, the next a card from France and Wales. 2 bills..... that was all. 

Tears filled Arthur's eyes as he set them aside and put his face on the table. A few hours passed and he got a knock on his door. He got up and opened it, Scott stood there with a large, tall box.

"Hey Arthur, this is for you, I'm just dropping it off" Scott gave a small smile as Arthur opened the door and they carried it inside. It was heavy and Scott was very careful about setting it down. Arthur handed Scott a blackened cookie and asked if he would stay... Scott politely turned him down and left.

Arthur turned to the box. He wondered if Willy had sent it. His boyfriend was across the sea dealing with business in his country. He grabbed the box opener and cut the tape. Just as he was about to open it... it flew open. Arthur jumped back with a shout. Willy stood in the box, grinning like an idiot with a bow wrapped around him.

Tears sprang into Arthur's eyes as he got to his feet. Willy's smile faded a little, arthur ran at him, and hugged him. They fell to the floor, Willy started to laugh, Arthur was laughing and crying. Willy was home. he was here. Arthur wasn't alone!

"Merry Christmas Arthur" Willy said kissing the top of Arthur's head
"Merry Christmas Willy" Arthur mumbled in return, his face still buried in the Irish mans chest, the familiar sent of clovers and morning dew filled Arthur's nose as he breathed in his boyfriends sent.

"thank you Willy.... this is is the best present" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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