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When the team all met up the next day they waited for Black Canary since she said she'd be dropping by. It took almost an hour after they all got there for Black Canary to show up and she had a serious look on her face. She looked at the team, "Where's the kid?"

Robin lead her to the medical bay and the boy was staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face. It didn't seem like the boy knew they were there but he did, he just didn't care. Black Canary looked at him and she saw that he didn't look as badly injured as Batman said he was.

She noticed one wound in particular though, it was a deep gash on his right arm and it looked like it hurt. She tried to get closer so she could see how bad it was but when she got to close the boy suddenly reacted. He moved like lightning and in the blink of an eye he was on the opposite side of the room from them.

He glared at them, "Stay away from me."

They were both shocked and Black Canary held up her hands, "I just want to help. That wound on your arm doesn't look good, if it doesn't get stitched up it'll definitely leave a scar."

The boy growled a little, "You think I don't know that? I don't give a damn if it scars as long as it heals so leave me alone."

The two didn't know how to react and after a minute Black Canary took several steps back. The boy was still in a defensive stance but he wasn't glaring at them anymore so they took that as a good sign. Black Canary looked at the boy, if he was in pain then he was good at hiding it.

She looked into the boys eyes, "I was told that your wounds were worse then this."

The boy seemed to be observing her, they didn't know why he was doing it but they waited. The boy was trying to figure out if she was a threat or not, he could tell that she knew how to fight. After a moment he figured out that he could beat her if he needed to so he didn't have to worry.

The boy got out of his defensive stance and stood in a guarded way, it was barely noticeable but if you paid attention you could tell that his guard was up. He crossed his arms, "Ghosts heal quickly."

Black Canary stared at him for a moment, she had been told that the boy said he was a ghost but she didn't believe it. The boy didn't seem dead, then again she had no idea what a ghost would act like so what did she know? She took a breath, "What's your name?"

The boy didn't seem like he wanted to answer but she smiled just a little, "I need to call you something don't I?"

The boy shifted his weight to his left leg, "I don't give a damn about what you call me."

Robin hummed, "Why don't we just call you Phantom?" Black Canary gave him a questioning look but the boy didn't react and Robin shrugged. "Well when I tried talking to you before you said you were just a phantom so why not?"

The boy shrugged, "If that's what you want to call me then fine."

Black Canary sighed and looked at the newly named Phantom, "Alright Phantom. I have to go but I'll be back soon so try not to do anything that'll open up your wounds."

Phantom knew what she was talking about, he had moved quickly to get away from her and the sudden movement could have been bad. Black Canary walked out of the room and Robin stayed where he was, "I won't come any closer."

Phantom looked at him and once he decided that he wasn't lying he sat on the bed. Robin could tell that any trust Phantom might have had in him, which wouldn't have been a lot if any, it had been shattered by Black Canary. Robin should have warned her not to get to close to him but it had slipped his mind until it had already happened.

Robin couldn't help but think of an abused animal when he saw Phantom quickly move away from her. Whatever happened to him made it so he didn't like being near people let alone physical contact with someone. If he wanted Phantom to trust him he had to take it slow, if he did something that made Phantom react badly he'd have to start all over.

Phantom was currently lying on the bed again, he was staring at the ceiling, he seemed to do that a lot. Robin took a deep breath, "Why don't you like people getting close to you?"

Phantom tsked, "That's none of your business, your friend didn't seem to understand the concept of personal space like how you don't understand privacy."

Robin actually felt a little bad, "Sorry, I just can't figure out what happened to you and I forgot that you might not want to talk about it."

"I don't want to talk about it, especially to a random person I just met that was lurking around a government building."

Robin mentally sighed, "We were told to check it out, we're not exactly sure why we were told to but that's why we were there."

Phantom huffed, "I'm still not telling you anything, the next time you want to get to know someone ask them a question that isn't very personal." Phantom seemed to be done talking for the moment and Robin looked at him sadly before he left the room. The team was waiting for him when he walked into the living room and Megan smiled.

"So how is he?"

"Phantom's fine, he's just unwilling to talk because of Black Canary."

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "Phantom?"

"Well we had to call him something didn't we? He's not exactly willing to share his name and Phantom was the first thing that came to mind and he seemed fine with it."

They couldn't argue with him on that one and Aqualad looked straight at Robin. "What happened with Phantom and Black Canary?"

Robin sighed, "She got to close to him and he was glaring at us from the other side of the room before either of us could blink." The teens heard the zeta tubes activate and they went to see who it was since Black Canary had left. It turned out that Black Canary had come back and she brought Batman as well as Superman.

The three started walking towards the medical wing and the teens stopped them. KF looked confused, "What are you doing?"

Superman looked at the speedster, "We're going to question the kid."

Megan looked shocked, "But he's still hurt."

Batman looked just as emotionless as ever, "Black Canary says most of his wounds are healed. We need answers and we need them now so we're going to question him as soon as possible." The three older heroes walked past the teens and Batman opened the medical wing door.

Phantom was staring at the ceiling and his eyes were glazed over, he didn't know if Phantom was even aware of his surroundings. Phantom knew they had walked into the room but he didn't want to talk to them, he wanted to be left alone. Too bad that wasn't going to happen, "Get up." Batman said.

Phantom wanted to ignore him but when he took a step towards him he growled and the three froze. "You could try asking nicely you know." Phantom looked at them and his eyes glowed brighter in warning as he sat up and glared at them. Phantom's glare was even worse then Batman's, no one thought it was possible until they faced that piercing glare.

Phantom stood up but he stood up on the side of the bed that would make it so he was farther away from the three. If any of them tried to get near him he'd warn them to stay back and if they didn't then he'd get ready to defend himself. He might not like them but he didn't want to hurt them, he had his reasons for staying away from them though.

The three knew not to get closer to Phantom so they walked out of the room and Batman motioned for him to follow. Phantom sighed and he cautiously walked after them, his right leg hurt like hell but he still followed. He was able to hide his pain easily which he was glad for, if he showed weakness then they could use it against him.


Hey guys, so I know I haven't really said hello before but I'm doing it now. So how do you like the story so far? Good? Bad? Well anyway thanks for reading this story! I'm still trying to get the hang of using this but hopefully I'll get better. Bye!

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