The Dark Realms...

125 8 32

Right. So I'm Kira. @kem2001.
Anyone who knows me will probably know my evil twin. Who just happens to have persuaded me that in my spare time he is going to make me write a story for him because he is too damned lazy to get off his fat backside and do it himself.

Knowing my twin this will probably be about mine craft or YouTube but why the f not??? Yay?? I'm soooooo pleased.

Anyway. We are gonna make a list of characters that we are gonna add too for the next few days. You are most welcome to private message me @kem2001 or message James ( my twin) @jimbob33889

So here we go.

The Charactors and their ages.......

Krisstti (main) - 14 in November

Dave (Mains elder brother.) - 23 in November

Dusk (2nd main) - 15 (krisstti's best friend)

Esmae (good deamons goddess) - 13

Bella (bad deamons goddess) - 13

Mina -9

Maia - 10

Maya - 13


Nye -13

Maili -13

Jasmine 13

Carole (ghost)- 14

Katniss (ghost)- 13

Meggie (ghost) - 16

Jack (ghost) -14

Max (kris's Ghost) - 17

Kyani (evil Ghost) - 15

Dave's 2 younger children. Twins aged 5 (can't remember their names but is in the story plan so.........)

Wowthisisawkward can u please give me the names if you read this xxx

The Dark RealmsWhere stories live. Discover now