The beginning. Hopefully.

25 4 3

"Krissti you get your sorry ass down here right now." Mum shrieked from the kitchen. Obviously she had found the mess.
"Mum. Stop calling me Krissti it's Kris. For the last time." I mocked.

Dave brought my niece and nephew round and we made some cookies and had maybe not tidied them up after us. Anyway I grabbed Dave by his shirt collar and tugged making him stutter in surprise. Huh that'll teach him for being such an arse. I giggled. His pain made me happy. I went downstairs and mocked mum some more until she left when I got to work.

I mean its Halloween tomorrow so I had home red my room with some 'interesting' Halloween decor as my
Dusk puts it.

When I was done I looked at the clock. 'Shoot' I thought 'I was supposed to call dusk an hour ago.'

I sprinted into my rom and turned on my laptop in record timing. (I cant call Dusk. She has a small 'issue' with her phone to say the least.) I logged into wattpad to fond a Private Message from her and loads of others like Carole and Katniss (I know ironic) and Bella ,Esmae ,Mina ,Maia ,Maili ,Jasmine ect. all saying the same thing. 'Party at Dusks tonight at 6 be there or else.' I sent back a message saying 'will b there ASAP but have a 'thing' with the oldies to b at x'

5 hours later I arrived at Dusks to find them all asleep.

I shook Dusk

"Dusk? Dusk? Oh for goodness sakes DUSK GET THE HELL UP BEFORE I LIFT YOU MYSELF." I screamed at her

She just turned over, have me a withering glare and said " you missed the plan" before turning over and falling asleep again.

I will never understand that women. The logic.Gone. So I traipsed up to her room to find a box in the corner with PLANS AND GAMES written on it. So this is the box full of notebooks, gaming consoles and adaptive gaming chips,cards,disks ect.

My crazy freinds hey. But what would I do without them.


So I wrote this chapter at 11 GMT tonight. Also I have written it before but a guest came over and I forgot to save it. I'm an idiot. Anyway enjoy. I hope it wasn't too short.


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