Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I looked up to find myself in a black realm full of, nothing. It was full of nothing. No air no fun no sun no wind. Nothing, just blackness. I stared at the wisps of silver floating around me, sounding like they were singing to me. Singing my name, in a beautiful solemn melody full of pain and hurt. Suddenly a voice cut through the beauty.

‘Kris? Come On Kris WAKE UP.’ His voice sounded familiar. Very familiar.

‘Max? Is that you Max?’

‘Kris? Yes it’s me. I have all of your friends here, except for Dusk she is sitting down there on my old fashioned Gameboy.’

‘As usual then.’ I giggled to myself

‘Are you guys all okay? I asked them and they all replied with a ‘yeah I guess.’

None of us were the same, I mean, I couldn’t feel the lower half of most of my body…

When I tried to stand up I flew high up into the darkness.

‘Whoa. Max can you please explain?’ I asked worry evident in my voice.

‘Um where do I start? You got taken over by Kyani and now he is living in the real world and you are all in the ‘dead’ world and it looks like you all had heart attacks because Kyani electrocuted all of your hearts through the locket. So now you are in the ghosts realm and the only way of getting back is by finding the Good and Bad Goddesses of the underworld and asking them to give your lives back and take Kyani into the Bad realm.’

‘Um okay then. How do we find them?’ I asked a bit shell shocked

‘we go to the castle and rescue the diamond and then use that to navigate the key and go to the real castle that they Both live in. meanwhile we have to keep the bodies hidden from your families so that they don’t bury you otherwise you can’t get back out from 6 ft. under…’ he replied mocking clear in his tone as if it was totally obvious.

‘Where do we go first?’ I mocked

‘The castle. And fast. You only have 5 days until you’re here permanently. You’re in ‘summer camp’ at the moment, or at least that’s what your parents think. So we need to go. Now.’

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