✖ The Truth ✖

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The lycan species is ancient. Older than the bible, and older than religion itself. Now, how far back it goes isn't exactly known but it's said that when the first humans settled in Europe lycans were already there. And this was around 40,000 years ago. Throughout the Medieval period when legends of the Wolf-man started making their rounds, we were still in large numbers around the world. From Europe, to North Asia, the Arctic, and the US. Around 1200 humans kept getting more and more. In some countries they were aware of us but they hunted us down. Our species was winning at first, but due to a few incidents and being hunted the tables had turned for us and our species declined dramatically around 1500. Other than humans, lycans traditionally lived in packs or clans, and have a mating season. Humans can birth all year round, but pure blood lycans are only fertile once a year, during the winter in European times.

Moving on, "lycan" was a name given to us by the humans. It's Greek for "Man-Wolf." Much like werewolf is old English for "Wolf-Man." We got the name because we look similar to wolves in our beastform, though we aren't related to the wolf at all. Lycans are their own species, not human, and not wolf. Ancient lycan language is also something that exists to this day though it is almost extinct, it's a mix of Greek, Russian, and Old English, which really doesn't look or sound English at all, but we have another name. We call our species Thirío Arashim which roughly translates to BeastShifter. Other Lycans such as myself also have a name for Werewolves. We call them Fengári which translates to MoonShifter. Even though they are called that, the moon isn't the cause of a werewolf's transformation at all. Werewolves originated from Lycans, but their genes are altered, through selective breeding, experiments, or natural mutation. But instead of an altered Lycan race they got Werewolves instead. Story says that Lycans wanted to create a warrior race, they wanted stronger offspring. Stronger, faster, and with better healing capabilities.

Anyways, us achieving our beast form isn't "just magic". Shortly before we transform our body sets free a unique hormone that only we have. That hormone triggers a row of reactions in our bodies, immense growth of bones, muscle, etc occurs. Which would normally take a while but the hormone allows it all to happen in mere minutes. It also dulls the pain which is still extreme but it could be worse. It changes the cell formations so that the skin is able to grow fur, and multiply the cells we use for sight, smell, etc. It's a fascinating yet complicated process. Our inner ear changes, the eardrum get's altered so that we are able to perceive sound faster, the lenses in our eyes change shape and form so that we are able to see farther and better at night, and our nails grow inside of our bones, painful when you think about it. Due to a genetic mutation, the hormone that triggers the transformation is a defect in the werewolf. There's a little error in their genes. Instead of getting released at will, the hormone level is unstable. Their bodies instead store the hormone and release it in huge amounts. And that usually happens once a month. Because the the hormone gets released at such high levels, it totally numbs their self minds and they usually have no control when in their beast form.

In conclusion, many don't know what they really are, others stay human the majority of their lives trying to fit in and live amongst others in cities. There are stories of a chemical that the government put into the air or water, with the help of chem trails nowadays that suppresses our transformation process. So there are even Lycans that have never shifted and probably never will. They might feel weird, a longing, out of place, or feel a tingling sensation in their hands or teeth. But they will only believe it's their imagination.

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