✖ Pack/Clan Ranks ✖

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Alpha: Usually there are two within the pack/clan. Sometimes there is only one. They’re normally the active mating pair. They are the leaders, meaning they create the law, take interest in what goes on, and so on.
Luna: Alpha males mate
Beta: There could be one or more within the pack/clan (if they have a mate). They’re second in command and may challenge the Alpha for their position.
Gamma: Again, there could be one or more, and they’re third in command
Delta: Messenger for the pack/clan. They go in between allies and territories to deliver messages
Epsilom: Rest of the pack (no job really)
Zeta: Leads the army of warriors
Eta: Warriors of the pack/clan
Theta: Elders of the pack/clan
Lota: Hunters of the pack/clan
Kappa: Higher rank than regular members
Mu: Peacekeepers of the pack/clan. Helps make allies with other pack/clans
Nu: The resource keepers of the pack/clan. Making sure no one runs out of food, water, or other supplies.
Xi: Help the hunters if needed
Omicorn: The lead Pi
Pi: Therapists of the pack/clan
Rho: Secretaries of the pack/clan
Tau: Troublesome pups that reach their first birthday
Omega: Weakest member/lower rank

(This varies between different packs/clans. Some use all the ranks other use a selective few)

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