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Hoseok glanced at his phone in his pocket, trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible. Phones weren't allowed in his dance class, as they were 'a distraction to the art of learning,' his dance teacher had declared.

No new messages, his phone screen read.

Hoseok sighed, his mouth turned slightly down in a frown. He had (pathetically, he thought) looked forward to Yoongi's call. He had chastised himself after missing Yoongi's call, and had hastily tried calling the boy back.

Yoongi didn't answer to any of his calls, though.

Suddenly, a 'psst' came from his left, and Hoseok sharply turned his head around, shoving his phone out of sight. He let out a small breath at the sight of Namjoon, edging closer to him while other dance students stretched in the dance studio, taking advantage of their quick break they had been given. "Why is your phone out?" Namjoon whispered, his tone slightly reprimanding. "You need to be more careful next time."

Hoseok rolled his eyes at his friend's tendency to (mostly) follow the rules. Namjoon had been born a true leader, in Hoseok's mind. "I was just checking my messages," he whispered back.

"Was it the coffee shop dude again?" Namjoon's tone was disbelieving at his reply. "Don't lie to me, I know you. Did he call you back?"

Hoseok shook his head, trying not to let his disappointment show on his face. "No, he's probably busy. He did say he studied music at BigHit, that's a pretty prestigious university, isn't it?"

His friend rolled his eyes at his admiring tone, though he still smiled at Hoseok's tiny crush. Namjoon was happy that Hoseok had found someone. Hopefully, the relationship with the coffee boy would blossom.

Hoseok stretched for a few seconds, his aching muscles relishing the feeling. "How's Jin going? You guys seem to be going great."

Namjoon smiled at the mention of his boyfriend's name. "Yeah, we're going well," he said happily. "It's going to be our 2 year anniversary in a couple of weeks, I think!"

Hoseok grinned. "Namjin is the ultimate power couple."

His friend laughed. "God, I am never going to get over that name Jimin made up."

They sat in comfortable silence, until they were called back up to begin dance class again.


Yoongi's eyes fluttered shut, yawning as he bent over piles of paper, shuffling and arranging his music in order. He glanced at the clock as he filed his papers.

11:34 pm, it read off.

He had just finished 3 hours of piano practice, and another 4 hours studying and completing homework and assignments. He had spent the rest of the day attending uni classes, suffering through boring, monotone lectures. He was tired to the bone, and all he wanted was to crawl into bed under his warm sheets.

As Yoongi changed into his pajamas, he spotted his phone sitting on his desk, charging. He hadn't checked it for a couple of days, as he opted to ignore it, instead of getting distracted while he was completing his practices and work. His eyes opened slightly as he remembered sunshine boy and his number, and quickly reached out to grab it.

His punching in of Hoseok's number halted to a stop, as he remembered the time. Hesitating, Yoongi swiped off the number pad screen, and chose to send the boy a text instead.

Hi, this is Yoongi. Want to meet up sometime? -


He sent the text, satisfied with the content. He slid into his bed, shutting off the light and closing his eyes.

If he hadn't fallen asleep so quickly, he would've noticed his phone screen light up with Hoseok's reply.

Of course! Was sort of worried I scared you off or something... When would you like to meet? -


Sunshine Boy {Yoonseok/Sope}Where stories live. Discover now