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Hoseok straightened his tie, frowning at his reflection in the mirror. "Do you think I look okay?" He nervously asked Yoongi, turning his head around to face his boyfriend.

Yoongi laughed softly, his hand in Hoseok's. "You look fine, Hobi. A little formal, I will say."

The younger boy pouted. "They're your parents! I want to impress them," he explained, fiddling with the hem of his white and grey shirt with his free hand.

Yoongi smiled, reaching up to undo Hoseok's tie. "Here, just remove this. You look like my professor!" He grinned.

Hobi couldn't help but smile, although butterflies still danced in his stomach. He turned back around, his appearance fixed. "Is that better?" He questioned, eyeing his denim skinny jeans and white and grey striped shirt; the outfit tied together with his blue plaid top.

His boyfriend nodded. "You look perfect," he said warmly, leaning up to kiss Hoseok's forehead.

The younger boy laughed. "To be honest, I'm surprised that you can even reach my nose!"

Yoongi smacked him softly, although a grin curved his cheeks. "Hey! At least I'm taller than Jimin," he said.

Hoseok waved his finger at him. "Don't let Jimin hear you say that!" He warned.

The older grinned up at his boyfriend. "Okay, stop stalling. It's time to meet the parents."

The younger boy groaned. "Do we have to?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Yes, Hobi, we do. Now get in the car, before we're late!"

On the drive down to Yoongi's parent's house, Hoseok felt like he was going to die. The butterflies in his stomach had turned violent, making him feel sick. His hands trembled, and he could feel his forehead start to sweat profusely. Yoongi noticed his anxiety, placing his hand that wasn't on the wheel over Hobi's hand. "Hey, hey, it's okay. They're going to love you!"

Hoseok bit his lip, shaking his head. "You're so lucky," he said softly, turning his head away from Yoongi's worried eyes. "You have parents that will love you no matter what, no matter who you love."

The older boy sighed. "Hobi..." He paused, unsure of what to say to comfort his boyfriend. "Look, I don't know if I can say or do anything to make your parents change their mind, or how to make you feel better about this situation. But, I do know that my parents will love and treat you as one of their own. I mean, that is, if you survive my mother stuffing you with food!"

Hoseok laughed, the aggressive butterflies in his stomach gradually calming down into a peaceful fluttering. "Thank you, Yoongi. That did make me feel a bit better," he admitted. 

Yoongi smiled over at him, "I'm glad that you feel better," he said, squeezing Hobi's hand softly. "Now, only ten minutes to go!"

The Min's house was cozy, Hoseok thought as the pair stepped onto the front porch, which was surrounded by bright and thriving flowers. The exterior walls were painted a warm cream colour, which seemed to welcome him. Yoongi knocked on the oak door lightly, holding Hobi's hand in his other. He smiled at the younger boy to comfort him, just before the door opened to reveal an elderly couple. "Yoongi!" The woman, who Hoseok presumed to be his mother, shouted. 

She rushed over to hug her son tightly, and held him by the shoulders as she looked him over with a worried eye. "Ah, Yoongi! You haven't been eating enough, you're so skinny!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, mama. You think everyone is too thin!"

His mother grinned softly at him, before turning her head to look at Hoseok. "Ah, this must be Jung Hoseok! You've picked well, Yoongi." she said, nodding appreciatively.

"Mama!" Yoongi protested.

Hoseok laughed. "Ah, it's okay, Yoongi. It's lovely to meet you, Mrs Min!" He said, smiling brightly at the woman. 

Mrs Min enveloped him in a hug, her embrace warm and comforting. She let go of him, and glanced over at her husband. "Look at that smile! He could light up a whole room!"

Yoongi groaned into his hands in embarrassment, as his father laughed deeply. "Yoongi, you will have to get used to this!" He said, grinning at Hobi. "It's been a long time, and your mother and I are so excited!"

Mrs Min gestured for them to go inside. "Come in! We have lunch prepared," she said, turning around to let the pair in. 

Yoongi and Hoseok stepped over the porch, entering the Min's home.


Hoseok's outfit in this chapter: (lmao sorry for the low quali-tae, hopefully Hobi's sunshine smile can make up for it)

Hoseok's outfit in this chapter: (lmao sorry for the low quali-tae, hopefully Hobi's sunshine smile can make up for it)

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