the afternath of the war

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A flash of green light filled the room for a few seconds before the room became dark again. Maniacal laughter followed the flash and a man fell through a veil that was situated behind him as a girl that the same features as him rushed to where he had been standing before. She screamed in agony as the man finally fell all the way through the veil. They were in the Department of Mysteries and fighting Death Eaters that were after a prophecy that concerned her, a dark wizard and her god brother. Tears fell from the girl's blue green eyes as she reached out for her man not wanting to come to the realization that he was gone. She had only just gotten her father back and now he had been taken away from her in an instant. She cried out loudly as her knees buckled causing her to fall to the ground. Her blond hair fell in front of her face as her tears continued to fall down her face drenching her face and her blonde hair that had specks of dark brown almost black. Her father's killer made her way over to the dirty blonde haired girl and said that it was her time to die just like her father. She searched for her wand as a red light hit her but instead of death coming to claim her pain claimed her body instead of death. She screamed out in pain as her body felt like it was on fire. Her heart felt as if it was going to jump right out of her chest and her bones felt like they were breaking, as the curse was lifted her father's killer decided to kill her. The light went out of her eyes as her body went limp and fell to the ground with a loud thump.

The blonde haired girl woke up with a slight scream. She sat up in her bed and looked around the room. An arm was draped over her waist and she turned to look at the man that the arm belonged to. The man was her boyfriend and his name was George Weasley while her name was Jennifer Black. She rested her hand against her boyfriend's pillow for a second as she looked at his red hair that shined in the moonlight and the expression on his face that calmed her down a little.

She moved her hand away from the pillow and thought about how it had been six months since the battle of Hogwarts and how she had lost so much of her loved ones during the war and the last battle of the war. She had lost her godfather, her friend Fred, her cousin Tonks, and so much more. She remembered crying over Fred before Harry dragged her from Fred and they went into the forest to fight Voldemort. She had almost died and was dragged back to the castle by the death eaters and given over to George who held her protectively to him. The fight started up again and she had recovered fast from the pain that Voldemort had caused her. She fought alongside Harry and had defeated Voldemort.

However her mental pain hadn't gone away and it still lingered inside of her. She got up from the bed and slowly but quietly made her way over to the balcony. She wrapped her arms around herself as tears fell from her eyes at the thought of all that she had lost and all that had been sacrificed for the war in the name of Harry Potter. She looked out at the stars that lined the sky and saw one shooting and falling. She realized that it was a shooting star. She closed her eyes and made a wish on the star for her loved ones that were lost during the war to come back to her.

She opened her eyes after she made the wish knowing that it was just a dream that she wanted to have come true. She wanted the pain to go away from all that she has lost. It consumed every day and she was tired of feeling the pain when she just wanted to move on from the war. She didn't know how to move on from the war and that was what was killing her on the inside. What she didn't know was that her wish was going to come true and there would be problems that came from her actions.

She walked back inside the bedroom silently closing the French doors behind her. She got into bed next to George and wrapped herself back into his arms that seemed to gently comfort her and provide a net of safety for her.

This is my first story on here. Sorry that this chapter is short. They will be longer. I ddo not own JK Rowling's Harry Potter or her characters. I only own my character of Jennifer Black who is of my own imangination and creativity. I also do not own the places in the story or the things. The things that I don't own belong too JK Rowling.

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